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in #news6 years ago (edited)

Well, here we go again... Sean is AGAIN demonstrating his inability to call out the real issues and the questionable nature of the actors involved. He has turned the issue into a emotional heartstring piece about an abandoned child trafficking camp, but at the same time propping up the multiple disinfo players involved as being trustworthy sources of information and genuine support.

As I've said in my previous comments, this is a form of "Hyper-Normalization of Non Linear Informational Warfare" theater that is being used to screw with us. If you don't already understand what this is, then watch the video below:

The approach employed involves using a bunch of different shill operatives to completely obfuscate the true story as well as distract the populace down a major rabbit hole with no potential real outcome except frustration. Sean sure plays along with this whether as a dupe or as part of the emotional distraction himself.

Sean says he trusts Craig Saywer and he's legitimate, but clearly hasn't looked at anything I or others have posted on him... very interesting:

Sean says he trusts Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers, but clearly hasn't researched any of the dirt on him and Oath Keepers either:

Sean has at least called out Louis Arthur, a potential plant to hijack Veterans On Patrol's efforts, but only as part of an effort to keep the distraction story moving while not dealing with the real story behind it as part of the complete distraction and confusion effort involved.

Let's summarize what is going on here:

  • Veterans On Patrol come across what appears to be an old trafficking camp either by coincidence or on purpose to help keep the pedo / human trafficking distraction story from the Q-Zio-Trump camp alive. It's all part of the ongoing "Drain the Swamp" narrative, and any new Pizzagate-style distractions help keep the momentum behind Q and Trump

  • Alt media shills and social media plants gets everyone emotional and enraged over this "old bone" they are thrown, but which is finally bulldozed by the police to ensure no real evidence is ever applied. (It is likely a real trafficking camp, but an old one that traffickers were willing to sacrifice.)

  • Meanwhile, a whole bunch of shills are rolled out across alt media and major media to deflect and confuse the story and also help position these shills further as real actors in the manipulated storylines we are being fed

  • Finally, everyone is left hoping for help from "somewhere" which further drives focus on the Trump and Q narrative because this is the focus they are being given consistently by alt media and social media plants as their "last bastion of hope"

We are being played like a violin and reports like Sean's are either placed by alt media dupes or are being specifically used as part of COINTELPRO-style operations.

I let you decide which you think it is..


You know what N_& V_ ?
I wouldn't be surprised if Sean turn's his bull BS-attacks again on us 2 here, saying he's being harassed by trolls by Me for asking for an apology, and You trying to elicit-a-response to your serious questions.
I'm just tryin' to still-the-waters, if You know what I mean.
Cheers X-

Well, he may, but it will only be to deflect from his responsibility to apologize to you for his previous insults, as well as to deflect from the serious questions that I've raised and for which he can't seem to provide logical, legitimate counter arguments for.

Haters be hatin' - good job guys!


Great reply, well elaborated. Sean is either too much in denial and/or is not critically thinking enough with regards to Sawyer's red flags.

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