Dtube Exclusive: Is Russia Funding the NRA?

in #news7 years ago

Tonight while filming for a News2Share feature story about anti-gun activists, I ran into a number of people with signs pointing to a concept I'd not heard before. They say that Russia is funding the NRA as a proxy to Trump, and to destabilize the US in general.

I haven't heard this claim before, and ultimately included it as something of a footnote in my feature story. What do you think?


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Seriously, if you are a Democrat just blame Russia for everything.

Explains a lot of the double talk coming out of trumps before and after election comments relative to Russia but he generally flip flops his opinion based on who’s asking at the time.

Russians? Why would the NRA take money from the Russians? It's not like American Gun manufacturers ran out of money all of a sudden, or did they?
Here is more alleged but as of yet unproven info from McClatchy on this matter: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/article195231139.html

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