Some Real news the liberal media "missed"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

In this era of propaganda and fake news we have to share what glimpses of truth we find with each-other. The winners of the information war will be those with the most information. Real information not liberal disinformation. They have a fundamental flaw, the truth is not what they are after. They simply want to win. Republicans, Conservatives, Classically liberal Patriots. We want the truth, whether it makes our guy look good or bad. That is called integrity and you either have it or you don't.

"Republican Karen Handel won the race Democrats portrayed as a referendum on Donald Trump and a possible harbinger of the 2018 midterms."

Rachel Maddow is not a real journalist. We voted Trump2016, We voted for Trump supporters in the 2017 special elections and we are voting for Trump supporters in 2018. No matter the weather forecast!

The only news source I consider trustworthy is Infowars

If you have to watch MSM I would recommend you watch Sean Hannity

During the broadcast some hack reporter claims Trump is not popular right now a blatant lie, that's why I stay away from Mainstream media as much as possible


The only news source I consider trustworthy is Infowars

You mean the guy who claimed in court he was just a performance artist? Do go on...

Hello David Brock troll. Do you know that the guy you represent is an ex boyfriend of pedophile James Alefantis. John Podesta is not the only pedophile in or around the DNC!

What the fuck is a David Brock? I'm not representing or defending anyone. I'm pointing out that your most trusted "news source" is nothing more than a performance artist.

This tax dodging piece of shit is a David Brock. He's ur boss. Don't lie to me troll. I hope Alex Jones sues you for slander.

You caught me. I'm totally on his payroll. Also I'm a lizardperson. Definitely believe the guy who admits he lies.

I trust Alex Jones. Pizzagate is real or he would not have been sued by James Alefantis for talking about it. Then forced to make a fake retraction to 3d chess him. Alex Jones is a genius. Did you see how he played Megyn Kelly?

Is that a one truth and a lie? Are you really a lizard person or do you work for David Brock? I hope its the lizard person thing because that would be way more interesting. I could learn a lot from a completely new humanoid species.

You're either a troll or a complete nutjob. Either way, have a nice life.

lmao, so when you have no more propaganda you simply refuse to engage in real conversation. you are the nut job.

You have not posted in months but the second I post something about Alex Jones here you are. lol. Tell David Brock I hope he has another heart attack soon.

Don't worry about telos, he's so stupid, he's supporting the control freaks without even making sure he's on the payroll. True believers are the most dangerous, because they do it for free.

You are right but something tells me Telos is on the payroll AND a "true believer"

You could be right. Every time I've wasted my time conversing with him, he can only parrot talking points. He shows no sign of ability for self preservation, which is what makes me think he's doing it for free.

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