Michael Bennett's A Crybaby

in #news7 years ago (edited)


On August 27, Seattle Seahawks defense end was detained outside a Las Vegas night club after a chaotic scene when an active shooter was called in at the Chromwell Casino. Video of the officers were released by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department showing the scene of hundreds of people running away or lying on the floor.

According to the L.V.M.P.D. spokesman, the call about the active shooter was not very detailed. Only that there was an assault with a weapon and shots fired at the location. Keep in mind, this is just hours after the Mayweather V. McGregor fight where thousands upon thousands of people have gathered.

Armed with no detail of the identity of the shooter or the location, Officers went into the location in attempt to stop or apprehend the shooter. I've been in this situation more times than I care to admit. Officers are at a huge disadvantage here. They are broadcasting who they are just by their uniform. If there was a gunman, they could blend in without any problem and then engage these Officers at will. In this scenario, multiple Officers could be killed or wounded in seconds, before they could even return fire. Needless to say, adrenaline would be sky high.

Watching the body cam from the responding Officers, they walked by hundreds or people, many of them black. If they were going to just arrest any black man as Bennett claims, why didn't they arrest any of the other people they passed?

On the video, you can hear one Officer indicating he has one running away from the scene. The official report says that the Officer (who is Hispanic by the way) observed Bennett crouching behind a gambling machine and then running out of the casino once he saw the Officers. Bennett then jumped over a large wall and into traffic.

Again, from personal experience, Officer's are like attack dogs. When we see someone running away from us we just chase that person. It's almost instinctual. So for whatever reason, the Officer honed into this guy because he was running, not because he was black. Bennett was later released when found that he did nothing wrong.

He later wrote a huge social media post where he attempted to compare himself to Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Treyvon Martin. REALLY? He also went on to claim that he was a victim of police brutality due to excessive use of force. This was clearly disproved with the video evidence that emerged later.

Which leads to my anger with incidents like this. I can understand that Bennett might have been frightened, humiliated, or felt he was wronged in some way. Nobody likes having a gun pointed at them, police chasing them, or being wrongfully accused of a crime.

Bennett is clearly using this as fuel to push his personal activist agenda and hyping this up for his benefit. It's no secret that he doesn't stand for the National Anthem and is using his fame to promote his views. He is claiming racism when there is no way he can prove this. Hundreds, if not thousands, of black people were there that night. The Officer who detained him was Hispanic. Claiming the "system" has failed him, when it actually worked like it's supposed to. All these things combined are why I think Michael Bennett is a huge crybaby.

He could have just chalked this up to what is was, a mistake. But no, he is using this as fuel to promote his own agenda and create a fuss where there is none. Good Luck Bennett!

What are your thoughts on this? Am I wrong or does Bennett deserve some type of justice? Would love to hear your thoughts?


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