Women pushed in front of bus by jogger on Putney Bridge. Man arrested denies involvement.

in #news7 years ago

Sometimes the human capacity for stupidity never ceases to amaze me.

Watch this,

The footage shows a jogger clearly barging into a woman on Putney Bridge. He pushes her with such force that she falls to the ground and almost gets hit in the head by an oncoming bus. Only quick evasive action from the bus driver prevented the woman sustaining serious injury.

The jogger continues on his merry way, without any regard for the person he has just assaulted. No look back of concern, nothing.

It is said that the jogger came back 15 minutes later continuing his jog back across the bridge.

The incident happened on May 5th however footage was only released to the public this week. The police have arrested Eric Bellquist a US investment banker yesterday in connection with the incident. His lawyers say he "categorically denies" any involvement, it is claimed that he was not in the country at the time.

Whoever did do this; imagine having to explain to your friends, family and people you know, what you were thinking?

Absolute psychopath.



What an inconceivable disregard for the other! This guy has no morals whatsoever, what a psycho indeed!

Sometimes I wonder if there are crazy people like that lurking withing the Steem community. I hope not, but we can never be sure...

This is absolutely atrocious. The total lack of compassion and accountability that is present in humanity today is mind boggling. If in fact this was an accident, how this man could not stop immediately, apologize and help her up to make sure she is alright is beyond me. smh

He can deny it a thousand times but the evidence is crystal clear. This dude needs some teaching lesson, his ass f*ck in jail time.

I know that the person who exercise always has a high mood
and I think sport encourage people and training them to be patient
but what this guy did is so weird!!

Dude's a goddamn sociopath! smh.


I see humans but no humanity


@nanzo-scoop Thanks for share!!!!!!!!!

Shouldn't this man's passport and/or flight records confirm or refute his claim that he was in the U.S. on May 5th pretty quickly?

It really looked like he lunged at her deliberately and pushed her with both arms. Whoever he is is nucking futs.

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