«Fire and Fury » ... Stations and responses in the controversial American book Reveals secrets about President Trump and the White House

in #news7 years ago


Reveals the secrets for President Trump the White House a book «fire and fury» for publishing House «Henry Holt» the number of pages ... fuss global most recently book «fire and angry: inside the House of Trump White», following the put to the first of this year after the nearing in the US President Donald Trump the first to finish. Book submitted by the journalist American Michael Wolf tells secrets disclosed the first time in relation to the President American and his family, and what is being in the corridors of the White House. Says Wolf that his book, which was released on Friday the past, based on more than 200 interview. Issued book for publishing House «Henry Holt," the number of pages 336 page. It was made available to Wolff log in to the White House significantly, and the unusually during times of many of last year. Added Wolf that the book is based on what he saw in the White House, And his talks with Trump , And interviews with senior staff, this is the most prominent stations book controversial feedback around him. Crisis Banon and his apologies shed «fire and irritated» light on the number of events that occurred in the White House, citing Steve Banun large planners strategic previous Trump, who resigned in August the past, as it was accused of banun in the book, the son of the US President His brother-in- law Jared Kouchner treason and lack of National To hold them a meeting with officials Ross in tower Trump during the presidential campaign, in June 2016. reportedly lawyer Russian offered during the meeting to provide information affecting the reputation of the candidate's Democratic presidential then Hillary Clinton, he added banun that he was to be informed FBI including was immediately. As claimed the book of Wolf that Ivanka Trump revealed ambitious, because become the first woman in the presidency of the United States someday, has agreed with her husband Kouchner it when and had the opportunity, which hit banun panic, according to the author of the book. Also transfer of the book for banun saying that the investigation conducted by the plaintiff's Robert Muller about the issue of intervention Russian in election year 2016 will focus on the issues related to laundering funds, according to what was transferred AFP. President Trump may reply to charges Banun, described as a «go mad." He said in a statement "Steve Banon has nothing to do my or My presidency. And when sacked, it was lost his job, according to, but it has his mind." He added, "Steve not represent My base election." But Banun retreat yesterday (Sunday) for those statements, in advance «regret» Trump and his son, he added, "I was always in support of his father,Agenda which helped to change our country," as reported «the new York post," he said in a statement that support the President Trump unwavering. Trump confounds questioning His powers mental turning the book to force the mental Trump, description of the President that such as a child, and that it must be satisfaction quickly, and it is weak focus, repeated his statements always. The response Trump on this matter in tweet, saying that he «intelligent open-minded very ... during my life had the greatest Feature l have two gyroscopic mental Universe smart too." Occupied the book first place in sales and on the site «Amazon» as soon as its release market, in order by the mid-day (Friday) the past. Circumstances win Trump it is the most prominent what touched his Wolf in his new book, that Trump felt the status of awesomeness Panic after winning the elections in November (November) 2016 at the time of the show all polls to provide Hillary Clinton. Tells the Writer for son Trump saying one of his friends that his father seemed as if he saw a ghost, among cried his wife Milania, after it has become President of the United States, contrary to what is expected, the Trump hair angrily during a ceremony his inauguration last year, according to Wolf, the reason is to ignore the stars the first row the event, and started talking sharply with his wife, which seemed about to cry. Echo book He met book reactions angry of close Trump, where defended the director of CIA, Mike Bombio strongly about Trump, in the face of the book of «fire and irritated» about the efficiency of the President, stressing that everything indicated the book «silly And purely shadows," and that Trump «qualified completely» to lead the United States. Said Bombio yesterday (Sunday), in an interview with the program «Fox news» "when we talk about the issues of a very serious and complex facing America world, the President Trump participants fully betrays understanding of the issues of complex, and poses difficult questions, and I Watch it do that." He Bombio that Quotes the author of the book of «fire and irritated» Michael Wolf, for a look workers in the US administration President «silly Low Its part, refused ambassador of US in the United nations Nikki Haile this idea, confirmed channel «ABC» that no one in the White House «questions in poise President», hinted that the Wolf person is able to «lying for the money and power." Has won the book sharp criticism of Stephen Miller large aides Trump yesterday, describing Trump as a genius, launched an attack on the coverage book before urging provider TV show in the network «CNN» calm finish the interview. Said Miller the book «fire and irritated» but is «work grotesque of imagination." As directed lawyer Trump Charles Harder, letter to the author House publishing, came in which the book contains «a lot of statements false and - or not the basis of her» about Trump, after cost US President his lawyer strive to stop the distribution of the book, who decided publishers released Friday before four days of the specified date so basically. Reaction Press and reactions in newspapers, newspaper said «the Observer» British the books Woolf depicts the management of US governed by the Failure said in editorial entitled «Trump》: I am a genius sane very» the Trump published sila of Twitters on stresses the safety of mental as the President, as seen the world to book reveals the insider trades Trump, in the White House. Paper says that talk about how to clear the Trump, for power increased after publication of the book of Wolf. In the newspaper «Washington post» posted Margaret Solvine the book may publish a lot of off-approved for registration «of record» which raises concerns about the base of integrity Press, we need to know that there was a «burn» sources Press or not. Said author Matthew Dankona in the newspaper «the Guardian» the book controversial gives US indicators worrying about US policy in the era of Trump, adding that it does not mean that stops the era of Trump, and follow the book is worth a follow-up and find out sideline American politics, although some errors minor him. Described the newspaper Telegraph British book that the storm.

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