Israel Threatens Destroy Iran, Netanyahu says

in #news7 years ago

**Benjamin Netanyahu **


The Jewish state of Israel is ready to open war with Iran. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel can act directly against Iran, not just its allies in the Middle East.

This statement was raised following a border incident in Syria that made both parties almost confrontational.

F-35 fighter made by Lockheed Martin Corp.


In his first statement at the Munich Security Conference in Germany on Sunday local time or Monday (19/2/2018), Netanyahu mentioned the issue of Iranian drone or drone aircraft flying into Israeli airspace this month.

"Israel will not allow the regime to strangle us with terror," he told Reuters as quoted by CNN Indonesia. "We will act if necessary, not only on Iran's proxy but against Iran itself."

Iran denounced Netanyahu's harsh statement, calling Israel's reputation "broken" after one of its jets was shot down after bombing Syria.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called Netanyahu's presentation "a cartoon circus, which is not even worth responding to."

"What has happened in the last few is that the might (Israel) has collapsed," Zarif told the conference, an hour after Netanyahu's announcement.

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He was referring to the fall of the Israeli F-16 jet that was shot after attacking the Syrian air defense.

"Once the Syrian citizens dare to drop one of the aircraft of the country, it's like a disaster has happened," said Zarif.

According to him, Israel "used aggression as a policy of its neighbors" by continuing to carry out attacks on Syria and Lebanon.

Israel accuses Tehran of attempting to permanently place its army in Syria, where Iran's support forces back President Bashar al-Assad in a civil war that has entered the eighth year.

Netanyahu said Iran and its allies were pushing after ISIS lost its territory in Syria.

According to the Israeli leader, the rival country "is trying to establish a kingdom circling the Middle East from the south in Yemen but also trying to build a land bridge from Iran to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza.


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