Hero's Are Not as Common as You Think - This is One

in #news6 years ago

The word hero is overused and diluted by media and entertainment industries. But there are times when it is absolutely applicable.  

In unplanned moments when someone is willing to step forward into harm’s way to save a stranger, understanding they may be sacrificing their life and risking every day thereafter of their existence in this world. Heroes emerge. 

A French policeman volunteered to take the place of a female hostage being held by a gunman in the French town of Trebes. The attacker, who claimed allegiance to the Islamic State, shot and stabbed him. Authorities moved in and the attacker was killed. The officer later died in the hospital. 

My deepest respects to officer Lt. Col. Arnaud Beltrame and his family, who should be proud of his moral strength and desire to protect those who cannot protect themselves, exemplifying the greatest characteristic of mankind.   

Image Source: Yahoo News 

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Not many would have the courage to do what he did, knowing that their chances of survival are slim. Some say that is the definition of a hero, the willingness to sacrifice everything for someone they do not know. RIP.

Good post this kind of man (policeman who want to rescue)can qualified as a hero...

.... I am totally agreed with you @mrosenquist

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