It's Racist to defend "the West"?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago

Since when did it become racist to defend your own way of life? Your own culture? Your own friggin country? Well, if you listen to the morons in the MSM leftist media...that's exactly what they're saying.

Peep this: [Peter Beinart, writing in The Atlantic, asserted: “The West is a racial and religious term.” He added: “To be considered Western, a country must be largely Christian (preferably Protestant or Catholic) and largely white.”]

Just when you thought the identity politics couldn't get any dumber…but I digress.

So all the immigrants that have come over here from other countries like Asia, Africa, South & Central America, who are by definition "Americans" and part of the west now…they are not included in this when President Trump says he will defend "THE WEST"?


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They're definitely included when donald trump says will "defend" the west, you just have to keep in mind that he's not very literate and mixed up the terms "Exploit" and "Defend".

In his exploit..err defense though, he didn't know words would be so hard.

MSM rightist media wants you to believe immigrants instinctively stab white folk in the neck so I'm sure they're not covering the defense of any of those groups, they only cover violent crimes performed by immigrants, not positive news, duh.

Also Europe is a "western country" it's not just the U.S

That doesn't make any sense about exploit he never said that so I don't know where that's coming from.

Rightist media points out that there are actually gang problems in all of our cities related to MS-13, Sinaloa Cartel, Latin Kings, etc. Do they partake in fear mongering? Sure they do, no more than the left does. I don't have a dog in the fight I'm neither .

Yes Europe is "the west" as well that's my freakin' point!

Yeah he didn't say exploit, but actions speak louder than words, we don't have to go much further than looking at what he's doing to witness the exploitation of the united states by this puppet and his goons.

I'm very left-wing, but based on this Peter Beinart is a complete tool. People who say "western values" might be referring to white-christians, even then you've got to be skeptical, but "The West"? Even I get sick of some of these people...

I used to be just like you...very left wing. Now...I am no longer loyal to ANY party. I'm a libertarian. The last 5 years of Democrats have woken me up. They area complete joke now. The establishment DNC & GOP are dinosaurs and we will replace them.

Said I'm left wing, not loyal to a party. I'm mostly non-partisan. I have my views, and they happen to land in the libertarian-left quadrant of the political compass. Most parties are pretty totalitarian, as is the nature of a political party I guess.

I'm Canadian myself, tend to vote green since that's who I agree with most. I've never had much respect for the Democrats or Republicans in the US though, that whole system has been a joke for just about as long as I've been alive.

Right on! I am open to any candidate that doesn't restrict freedom, & does not take giant corporate handouts.

Exactly. Those are my litmus tests too.

Where I tend to differ from what one normally sees as "Libertarian" is that I believe unregulated businesses, as espoused in the libertarian ideals of a Free Market, will become oppressors of their employees and the communities they're expected to serve.

I feel a government should eradicate any law that restricts any personal freedom that doesn't infringe on the freedom or safety of others, while having strict regulations on businesses in relation to monopoly laws, employee well-being and market manipulation.

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