Florida School Shooting Update

in #news7 years ago

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The Story Has Changed

Last week a terrible tragedy happened at a Florida School, where 19 year old former student Nikolas Cruz killed 17 students.

There are no words I could offer the parents who lost their loved ones, the actions of this killer are unforgivable. I would like to get into what we have learned, now a bout a week later. The story hit the news and within minutes the debate had sprung up all over social media and almost every news media company, the political argument of gun control.

Here are some facts we need to look at before we get into this conversation. Cruz was under investigation by the sheriff's department in 2016 for cutting himself on social media and and saying he was going to buy a gun. Another fact is that in the seven years leading up to the shooting, police were called to the Cruz residence thirty-nine times for a multitude of different reasons. A crisis unit had been called out to assess if Cruz need to be committed for psychiatric treatment, but then never was. The Sheriff's office received more than 20 calls regarding Cruz, for concerned students and other people regarding him literally telling the world he was going to shoot up the school. Watch below for a deep analysis of what had happened leading up to the shooting.

*"You can have all the gun control laws in the country, but if you don't enforce them, people are going to find a way to protect themselves. We need to recognize that bad people are doing bad things with these weapons. It's not the law-abiding citizens, it's not the person who uses it as a hobby." - Michael Steele

After all this why was he still able to buy a gun, three days after being kicked out of the school?

There where no flags raised when he went to legally purchase the gun, because no one had bothered to take note of this or enforce any of the current laws already in place. Layer upon layer of laws and standards have been put in place to stop things like this happening. The authorizes did not follow any of the necessary procedures, when all the warning signs were there. The idea that another law will prevent these kinds of things of happening requires a child like beliefs in fantasy. Every single red flag went up on this kid and nothing was done by the police, FBI and other government agencies. When they are getting calls from concerned students, saying they thing this kid is going to do something and nothing gets done, how are they blaming the gun again?

"In 1939, Germany established gun control. From 1939 to 1945, six million Jews and seven million others unable to defend themselves were exterminated." - Joe Wurzelbacher

Here's an interesting question, should we change every law based on emotional feelings, when it is based on the actions of less than 0.001% but will affect the 99.999%?

Crowder does a brilliant job of destroying some gun control myths in under 54 seconds, check out the video above. Every time something like this happens the political left have to virtue signal to the entire world that the only way to stop this is to disarm law abiding citizens. Just because someone did something bad, that now gives them the right to strip others of their god given right to protect themselves.

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If only the FBI didn't have their hands full looking for Russian agents for the last year, maybe they could have prevented this.

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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It's amazing how we just had the largest mass shooting in history in Las Vegas but when videos of multiple shooters started coming out and inconsistencies in the story it vanished from the news. Now we have this new one with yet another autistic kid going crazy. Something just doesn't add up. And, like the gun ban in Germany you noted, this isn't a total ban it's only on civilian guns that these people are pushing for. The government here will then be all powerful and you've all seen what they do with power...

Yeah that's a very important point you raised, we all remember what happened the last time guns were ban in Germany.

I think that this is the key component that people don't see. It is not a proposal for a total gun ban, it is a proposal to give the government ultimate power and take it away from the people. The whole point of the 2nd amendment that we have here in the US is to allow the people to overthrow the government if need be, it has nothing to do with hunting, sporting, or home defense. The media (main stream) only shows you what they want you to believe. I think that people are slowly waking up to this.

I so totally agree with you, I personally feel it's a bit of both, the right to defend and protect and for that of government tyranny. People can't bitch and moan about the police and then want only the government to have them, pick one.

We're in agreement. But you probably have some idea of how this is going to end. Your government is broke, my government is broke, everyone has their hand out. This is a scary scenario building.

This is a a huge problem here in Florida, and you made some great points. Fact of the matter is... No one should have access to these types of weapons. These gun are made for killing people.. I get it, people have the right to bear arms. have your shot gun, or your 9mm.... But why have this gun????.. Guns, are not the only problem here. and it won't be fixed overnight. but something has to be done.!

There is so much going on that people have no idea about! There is a lot I dont know either to be honest. People are so busy keeping up with the latest trends and presenting themselves on facebook, twitter, instagram and are so self centered nowadays and are too wrapped up in themselves to know what is REALLY going on! This is why I love steemit, there is real content! Thanks for sharing!

I am sorry to hear or see such things, that God gave us the grace of heart and mind distinguished from most living things.
How can a man with a heart and a mind kill his brother? The world has become truly insecure. What happens in the world is killing and fighting, especially on children.
I think that all weapons must be preached, rather than not sold. I think that humankind should be wise and agree on safety, freedom and live in peace regardless of beliefs and religions.thanks dear @morkrock for your news ,
I think you are a wise man because you want to avoid what happens in the future

Change the law so that guns can only be purchased if one has a clean record. Those who break the law should not be allowed to own guns. You do not need to take guns away from everyone. Just from the nut cases and felons.

When a family loses their child in the wake of senseless gun violence in a supposed safe place like a school, the statistics don't matter.

American democracy is seriously under threat by Russian operatives. Putin has mastered the art of information warfare. The American public should support their law enforcement and intelligence agencies so that their public institutions do not face further subversion and decline.

It's almost like you didn't even actually read my post...

The law already prohibits felons and those convicted of violent crimes from buying guns. They are also alerted when someone who is under suspicion goes and buys a gun. The problem is that these fail safes were not followed.

Like I said, when these terrible things happen because the government did not do what they were suppose to it is pretty stupid to implement further restrictions.

The American democracy in not under threat of Russian operatives, stop believing the propaganda. The only serious threat America is under is that of the DNC. More than a year and the only evidence is of the democratic party using their power and money to undermine the current presidency.

That happens when the boys are underestimated. and it is thought that everything is revealed. but I think that the authorities are not only responsible if the students feel that fear should speak with their parents about it so that they as adults are the ones who speak with the teachers and so they can also help to disernir if these children have any reason to be afraid or if it's just paranoia. On the other hand I dare to say that education is failing from home is to say that parents should be more aware of their children talk to them who think. Surely more tragedies could be avoided if all together make equipment. It is my humble opinion.

I saw it 3 days ago on CNN, may their soul rest in paradise.

Thanks for this post. There is a need for laws to be put in place to control this gun related challenge in America. Over 300 Americans die every year due to this issue. Innocent people adults and children whose dreams are shuttered innocently. I'm Ugandan but innocent lives being taken due to negligence is definitely unfair.

One Less!
More Americans need to follow this fellow American who gave up his prized possession.

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