in #news6 years ago

The assets
Putting into Cryptocurrencies, ICOs and tokenized AC and VC use the execution of our mazuma contrasted with customary digital money speculations by a long shot. Pecunio's PCC had a gigantic 27% return in one month. Our store administration profits of significant experience from the conventional , and from the fence investments industry, overseeing reserves with volume size of 250 million $ US and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
The digital currency card
The prepaid charge card is a multi-resource card, that empowers coin and token spending as easy as pie. Pecunio platinum cards accompany your section of separate on card and are substantial for three years. Regardless of where on the planet you live, you can spend in fiat monetary forms the world over without trade charges and deal with your benefits by means of our client agreeable stage.
The tokens
By winnowing a tokenized speculation transport, we convey liquidity to the heavenly attendant and investment showcase, which is generally an exceedingly illiquid condition. Token holders can offer and trade at any given time, making that by itself the most significant development in AC and VC advertises over late decades. Pecunio's utility token will gain significant sums from commissions in brief time, making it a honest to goodness chip venture for its token holders.
Why a token? :
Since it returns continues from expenses of the mazuma. Thusly it is an utility token.
Pay to the reserve token holders:
25% of the returns are reinvested to duplicate the arrival to the financial specialists by means of self multiplying dividends
25% of the returns are paid to the speculation guide in type of an execution expense half of the returns are disseminated among the reserve's token holders by means of a purchase back process.
Along these lines, dissemination of wage gives liquidity of the store's tokens. Purchased out tokens
are singed with the goal that wage will sustain to increase for the rest of the store tokens.
The speculation plattform and free trade
Our stage streamlines the entrance to the occasionally astounded treatment of perspicacious contracts for non-educated clients. Dynamic client bolster, together with an effortless to-utilize interface, adds to our stages esteem. A segment of our client driven approach will be a free trade for digital forms of money, making Pecunio a one-stop-search for simple speculations.
Client driven versus item driven
Another bracing mainstay of Pecunio's special position in the market. Our utilizer have customerlifetime-esteem since as we are not an item driven merchant or trade, but rather an overseer with dynamic administration and dynamic client bolster.
The group:
The group behind Pecunio brags a great resume with 150+ years amalgamated experience spread crosswise over 50+ organizations and in various ventures. Driven by CEO Reinhard Berger the group at Pecunio brings an abundance of awareness from organizations, for example, AirBnB, JP Morgan, Groupon, Pfizer, and some more. Pecunio's vision is pellucid. Reform the whole procedure of cryptographic money ventures.
With its easy to use yet exceedingly able stage, Pecunio is prepared to be the go to trade for cryptographic money financial specialists. The extensive variety of highlights offered are pellucidly healthy to anybody entering, and as of now in the space. The office to trade one coin for another without any expenses will safeguard
speculators and brokers significant measures of mazuma in the long haul. Furthermore the personnel to stack prepaid check cards with any coin recorded on the trade abstracts the issue of converting back to bitcoin and from that point to mazuma. You will outwardly see me stretch this in for all intents and purposes each article, a task MUST have a real world, commonsense utilize. Pecunio has that and then some.

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ETH Address: 0x1f770746342Bbd9D5Ce433D97C531273f13E5980
My Profile link:;u=1132170

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 67095.54
ETH 3462.62
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.71