DIW Token Decentralize Security

in #news6 years ago

DIW's one of a kind idea intends to explain ecumenical security susceptibilities concerning private delicate information including ID Documentation, Bank and Authenticate points of interest, Wills and Healthcare records to assign a couple with the exordium of a Secure Digital Vault. Supplementally, it will improve the usage of digital forms of money by building up a registration framework tolerating all significant fiat and cryptographic forms of money, effortlessly integratable on a large number of sites. Moreover, it will present a plenarily straightforward, trusted, ecumenical catalog highlighting a rating framework where associations and people related will have the capacity to do business quickly, safely and with full certainty. The DIW Token will be the favored technique for installment all through the DIW arrange.
Territories of Application
Secure Digital Vault
DIW empowers the safe stockpiling of delicate data, for example, ID documentation, passwords, ledger and charge card Information, approved KYC or KYS related documentation, wills, and other important computerized information inside an exceedingly encoded, secure and private decentralized stage. The stage will withal authorize its record holders to safely share their information partially or in entire between them.
Installment Gateway for Crypto and Fiat Currency
Gives a pivotal and secure medium to site proprietors to acknowledge installments, in any significant money, fiat or crypto, using the DIW single validate decentralized stage. DIW's Payment Gateway, will be an effortlessly coordinated checkout framework for some internet business sites including those highlighting Open-Source CMS, for example, WordPress and Joomla.
DIW is glad to proclaim the joining of Simon Cocking as an individual from its warning board!
We are certain that Simon will carry alongside him his tremendous experience, learnedness and smarts in the field of DIW's territories of action and benefit our task achieve its objectives.
Predicated on our guarantee for interminable advancement and task quality confirmation, we felt that the time had come to welcome Simon on load up, a widely acclaimed blockchain master.
Named as a standout amongst the most persuasive figures inside the Blockchain business, Simon is a Senior Editor at Irish Tech News an Editor-in-Chief at CryptoCoinNews and the most exceptionally evaluated and loved master on ICObench.
A very prosperous individual, Simon is credited with the accompanying (among others):

  1. One of the most noteworthy positioned individuals from the 'General population of Blockchain'
  2. A standout amongst the most very adored and dynamic open verbalizers in the fields of Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Fintech ecumenically
  3. An inditer for Sunday Business Post, Irish Times, Southern Star, IBM, G+D, and others.
  4. An ancestor of six prosperous organizations
  5. A counsel to various prosperous ICO ventures
  6. A Pedagogia at the Dublin Institute of Technology
    We anticipate our participation with Simon and are certain of our undertaking's thriving.
    DIW has recently propelled its Pre-ICO at present welcoming supporters of strengthen its undertaking.
    DIW is a decentralized foundation which empowers account holders to protect their virtual life while getting to a progression of DApps by means of its system.

ETH Address: 0x08648179816c23c1193b3223684F8A576C420F7B

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