Today's Exclusive News from MintPress: Wednesday, November 14th

in #news6 years ago

Here are today's exclusive articles straight from MintPress News focused on topics and angles you won’t see anywhere in the corporate media.

Report From the Battlefields of Hodeida: Yemeni Locals Push Back Amid Saudi Bombs, Mercenaries, Blockade

Houthi fighters, together with local volunteer fighters, have turned the tides in Hodeida in recent days, absorbing the Saudi blitzkrieg and restoring many of the Saudi-taken areas to local control.

by Ahmed Abdulkareem

US Sanctions on Iran Depriving Country’s Cancer Patients of Essential Treatment

Certain especially vulnerable groups, such as Iran’s cancer patients, are bearing the brunt of the burden caused by the new U.S.-imposed sanctions, as the cost of the average cancer treatment has now doubled and the supply of crucial medication has dwindled to new, troubling lows.

by Whitney Webb

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EPA Continues to Approve Hundreds of Dangerous PFAS Chemicals

Stopping human and animal exposure to PFAS would mean taking on massive chemical conglomerates like 3M, DuPont, and the military-industrial complex in court, which has proven to be a tremendously expensive and steeply uphill battle.

by Randi Nord

Israeli Defense Minister’s Resignation not a “Victory” for Gaza but a Warning that the Worst is to Come

In the wake of Lieberman’s resignation the high probability of a Naftali Bennett-led Defense Ministry would unleash a new, even more brutal wave of extrajudicial murders of unarmed Palestinians, one that would deliberately target children.

by Whitney Webb

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