Today's Exclusive News from MintPress: Monday, October 8th

in #news6 years ago

Here are today's exclusive articles straight from MintPress News focused on topics and angles you won’t see anywhere in the corporate media.

BDS and Workers’ Unity are Crucial in Maintaining International Solidarity for Palestine

“In recent years, more and more labor unions and individual AFL-CIO chapters are explicitly supporting Palestinian rights while criticizing continued apartheid Israeli human-rights abuses.”

by Ramona Wadi

Omidyar’s Intercept Teams Up with War-Propaganda Firm Bellingcat

Despite promoting itself as an “independent” and open-source investigation site, Bellingcat has received a significant portion of its funding from Google, which is also one of the most powerful U.S. military contractors and whose rise to prominence was directly aided by the CIA.

by Whitney Webb

WaPo Learns the High Price of Doing Saudi Arabia’s PR after Alleged Murder of Its Own Columnist

For much of the past 15 years, The Washington Post has repeatedly published reports that essentially amount to press releases for the Saudi government promoting Saudi government “reforms.”

by Whitney Webb

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Saudi dogs need re trained you can't just kill those who speak out against you or of your misdeeds. If any country on this earth needs sanctioned it's Saudi Arabia sanction those terrorists back to the stone age since that's the era they live in.

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