Today's Exclusive News from MintPress: Friday, October 12th

in #news6 years ago

Here are today's exclusive articles straight from MintPress News focused on topics and angles you won’t see anywhere in the corporate media.

Facebook Purges US-Based Independent Media For Political Disinformation

The concerted efforts to censor independent media on social media began in earnest following Facebook’s announcement this past May that Facebook would be teaming up with the notoriously hawkish, government- and corporate-funded think tank, the Atlantic Council.

by Whitney Webb

In Latest Yemen Offensive, Saudi Arabia Destroys Hospital and Maternity Ward

The latest Saudi coalition attacks came in the face of demands issued by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child for the coalition to stop its deadly airstrikes against civilian targets in Yemen.

by Ahmed Abdulkareem

Yemen’s Military Adopts More Aggressive Strategy, Captures Saudi Military Sites in Jizan

The Yemeni army, loyal to Ansar Allah (Houthis), has changed its approach from hit-and-run attack, in which troops target a military outpost or base and quickly withdraw, to a strategy in which Yemeni military forces would seize control of and retain Saudi military sites.

by Ahmed Abdulkareem

Meet Ten Corporate Giants Helping Israel Massacre Gaza Protesters

“The Israeli military relies on a network of international companies, supplying everything from sniper rifles to tear gas, to carry out its massacres of protesters in Gaza. These companies are knowingly supporting war crimes, and are complicit in state-orchestrated murder.” — Tom Anderson, researcher for Corporate Occupation

by Joe Catron

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