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RE: Proving they Read Nothing: Lawmakers Passed Bill Honoring Serial Killer for Population Control

in #news7 years ago (edited)

I love your posts @johnvibes because they are extremely revealing and thought-provoking. In order for man to survive and continue to progress, we all need to begin to change our way of thinking. I for one, blame myself for my years of ignorance and complacency. It was a hard pill to swallow as I was extremely conscious about what people thought of me. Go along to get along was my motto, the social engineers know that we are lazy and my girlfriend accurately summed it up that "people will nearly ALWAYS take the path of least resistance." To me, that statement rang so true as people will just about do whatever makes their lives easier and hassle free.
Legislators don't read bills because they make fat salaries and get kickbacks from corporations and lobbyist groups. They don't give a fuck nor ever will they, when it comes to the people they purport to "represent". At every election, people cheer and wave their flags and their homemade signs, so disillusioned by the promises that never get fullfilled. Candidates will say anything to get votes because they know that the masses need the state to take care of them. Go along to get along...

It's easier to get plates for your vehicle and keep them current because we know they will pull us over and hassle us if they don't. It's easier to carry that mobile slave ID for licentious behavior because we get hassled and extorted from if we don't. The wool has been pulled over our eyes for so many lifetimes that we stopped questioning things. It reminds me of Plato's Allegory of the Cave, we have accepted a reality projected to us... accept nothing as truth if it is not self evident.

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