As Macron sweeps to victory in France, resistance is growing as the far-left starts to rise in Marseille.

in #news7 years ago

The centre cannot hold

The far-left pulse of France lives in one city: Marseille. Many of Marseille’s poor are angry over decaying housing and poor transport links to crime-ridden estates. There is resentment over the city’s multi-billion-pound showcase developments such as the recently renovated football stadium, new shopping malls and the Mucem museum opened four years ago.

Nevertheless, many areas are expected to vote for Mr Macron’s candidates to give the president the majority for change he seeks.


French patronage

Philippe Pujol, an award-winning journalist, said Marseille’s deeply ingrained corruption and practices of political patronage will be a tough challenge for the president’s MPs.

“Once they’re in office, people will come asking for favours, jobs for family members at a local hospital, contracts, or special privileges for unions, and they’ll have to say no because they don’t function in the Marseille system of patronage and clientelism. That will create anger, which could translate into votes either for the far-Right or the far-Left at the next election."

Mr Pujol, 41, often described as the city’s David Simon [the American reporter whose book about Baltimore’s seamy underbelly was adapted for TV as the series “The Wire”], said the drug gangs based in Marseille’s northern districts have long-established political connections.

“Influence-peddling is another Marseille tradition that Macron’s people will have to face,” he said.

Seedy underbelly

A nexus of organised crime and local politicians came to dominate Marseille in the postwar years as the industrial port declined.

Today, heavily-armed gangs dealing cannabis and cocaine control many of Marseille’s northern estates.

As you drive into Marseille, you are welcomed by a Hollywood-style MARSEILLE sign on a hillside, a gift from Netflix to celebrate a recent series about the city starring Gérard Depardieu.

Locals laugh about the sign, but many appear proud of what has become a symbol of the raucous, dangerous city they love for its beauty and character.

As Macron dismantles the 3,000-page “labour code” in an attempt to give businesses greater freedom to adapt and expand, French workers will need constant reminders that the aim is not to deprive them of their rights but to create more jobs.

Few parts of France are likely to be more awkward than Marseille, with its reputation as the country’s "outsider" city.



the center can not hold
Your Brother can not hold

Ha ha! Very good @lordoftruth!

Your big brother Now , will drink beers
Enjoy Your sunday

Nice quiet one. Just the Daily Dose to do later.

Wait for the Daily dose
Enjoying my beers and music

Having a morning coffee in the sun here now. It's 25C i.e. the same as it was in Poland last week. The UK is baking hot right now!!

Thanks for kerping us updated about whats goin on in Europe.

Huge fan of France after several visits to the North and South last year @deserttree :)

Morning Shane! Thanks for the updates over on the other side :))*

I'm a huge fan of France having spent time in both the North and South of the country last year. My parents love France too and are currently there on vacation on their Med cruise. Lucky buggers!!

Ou lala
Hahaha the South of France is nice but I prefer the going to Paris in the springtime haha🤣

This is ironic, but my mom and dad are in the South of France right now on their Mediterranean cruise! My dad did send a pic from there this morning - it's Father Days here in the UK today, so I'll post the pic later with a nice quote that you'll like too :D

I will be waiting to see it! 🙂

Go look now :)

macron is nothing more than francois hollande warmed over and he will change nothing for the french people. they will suffer for 4 more years, now.

I am in total agreement with you there @alvinfang :)

And everyone voted for the Rothschild stooge, good luck with that one. Well done France!!

They certainly did @silverbug - and the far-left is rising with a vengeance this time.

Either the French people aren't as intelligent as I thought they were, or this election was a complete farce. I think I would put my money on the second option, which would explain the rise in tensions. Not good @mindhunter. Cheers

They are intelligent believe me. They had to pick the worst evil in this case. Frexit may be their trump card yet to play @silverbug ;) Stay tuned ....

thanx for the latest alert what's going on around me.

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