Adapt or die: Amazon attempts to take on the supermarkets at their own game.

in #news7 years ago

Amazon's supermarket sweep

Amazon is making inroads to challenging the supermarkets at their own game with the takeover of Whole Foods, as it looks to transform the supermarket sector with its corporate might.

Capitalism, once again, is playing its magic: old incumbents that thought they were protected by large barriers to entry – the need to buy and develop expensive sites in the right places – are being displaced by new players as the economics shift.


Hybrid model ahead

One of the intriguing elements of Amazon’s move, of course, is how digital is merging with bricks and mortar. The original online model – a pure digital set-up – is turning into a hybrid approach.

Again, this is for good reason: people want to be able to shop in more than one way, and it’s implausible to think that stores will ever disappear completely. The success of companies like John Lewis in recent years has been built on a multichannel approach and concepts such as click and collect. At the same time, discount retailers that almost entirely shun the web are also thriving: Lidl has just entered the US market, for example.

Needless to say, Amazon will now be able to use many Whole Foods sites as delivery bases, not just shops, as well as pick-up sites for all of its offerings, not merely fresh food. In the UK, the move may actually help Morrisons, Amazon’s online grocery partner, at least in the short term: the US giant may feel that it doesn’t need to buy anybody to grow.

So where will all of this end? It may be that in a decade’s time, as a by-product of Amazon’s triumph, retail and distribution will become an ultra low margin, almost commoditised part of the economic system. If so, the power could return to producers and brands.

In the meantime, however, the story is much simpler: Amazon’s rivals must adapt or die.



Interesting. Although I always thought google would get there first with some sort of tech that would help retailers. Amazon buying up retailers and doing it that way in my opinion is not the way forward. That's going to end up in a nasty monopoly.

I agree @adamm - this is going nowhere good. The 1%'ers are on the rise again!

Globalization for everything :-(

Business as usual!

Me too! Steem on to dencentralize!!

Agree with 100% @mindhunter

Yes, it is! But I just notice so voting is working for some people only one way :-(.

i appreciate this ANALYSIS .. and AGREE !! - ))
T_i'mE ... of the GREAT SHIFT .. is WELL under-WAY !!! - )))

... and WE have FRONT ROW SEATS !!!!!!! - ))
.. ha ha )))

greb'Z )

... PumpeD & reSTEEMed !! - ))

In this age of decentralization we do indeed have a front seat @fun-along-theway :)

STEEM ON ... i love how YOU say that in YOUr V-iD-s !!! - )))
IT REAL .. i FEEL IT !!! - )))

PleasE support .. this PosT - )))
.. i'm NOT accepting payment, its not FOR ME - )))
.. thanks for YOUr attention - )))

Upvoted! "Steem on!!"

THANK YOU ... my friend is going to BE so SURPRISED - ))

STEEM ON !!!!!!!!!!!!! - ))
.. ohh, that tickles me )))
ha ha ))))))))))

Glad your happy @fun-along-theway - your username says it all ;)

ha ha ... want to hear what 'my' HappY sounds LIKE ??? - )))
... dancing INCLUDED !!! - ))

... sincerely !!!!!! - ))
ha ha ha )))))))))))))))
oh YEAH !!! - )))

Comment upvoted :)

C-RANK IT UP .... and ... "TRY" not to SMILE !!!!!!!!! - ))

Vid coming later my friend :)

Amazon's supermarket sweep
Interesting brother..
All of your posts upvoted
One post waiting for your upvote
Have a nice saturday

I heard of of it.

Jeez this is kinda worrying. Big corp continues to take over the world. And now Lidl is in The States? The corp-o-conolization continues... Upvoted, resteemed and followed.

We must stop it all with our decentralized models before we are all dehumanized!

It's looking like tech is leading us that way...🤖

A couple years ago I biked past a giant construction site. The building was so large I took a photo with my phone. Earlier this year I started getting same-day deliveries wickedly fast... it was an Amazon fulfillment center!

I feel bad for local shops, but the world is changing and there's no stopping it.

We need a decentralized supermarket model taken back by the people ... would be cool :)

This a very interesting nice article :)

Thanks @xcoil ... stay tuned for more articles soon :)

I feel they sold out and sold out cheap! You were right about merging of Digital and break and mortar. UP VOTED YOU💯✌🏻🌝🌞😀😂🍕🍗🌚🙃🙂🤖😈👿🤐👍🏼🤳🏼👀

Amazon are very good at the crowning of the poor! Those 1%'ers eh!

I am I had to give @neoxian his props and respect first. I think he's worth it to the steemit community. Ok night

There are many worthy souls on here ... but you gotta dig down real deep to find em'! <3

the only way to compete with Amazon is to provide customer service.
Some of us old farts HATE to deal with robots...nice cute little girls, helpful young men...or even crabby old grandma's...are better than deal with robots..

oh yeah..


The big R make Everitt a happy man. "Greed is good!" as Gordon Gecko once said!

you mean The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand?

Don't talk to me about Ayn Rand!

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