Milk OF cockroach. Will be an alternative to feed ourselves in the future?

in #news6 years ago

As well as you read it, I was surprised to read this article in the daily Panorama (Maracaibo, Venezuela).
Only to read cockroach gave me disgusted, but studies suggest that it might be part of the food of the future.

A recent study found proteins in the milk that produces a type of cockroach beetle that lives in the Pacific Islands and Hawaii. Due to the amount of nutrients, scientists say that the cockroach milk could be the food of the future.

Although most of the cockroaches do not produce milk, the Diploptera punctate is the only insect that gives light and do not lay eggs, producing milk for their offspring, this fluid seems to be very nutritious.

The Journal of the International Union of Crystallography published this study in July 2016, however, it has recently been viralizado information.

The great discovery lies in the fact that this fluid contains four times the calories of cow's milk, which makes it a food by other nutritious, outlined the web portal, Infobae reported.

Likewise, an investigation of a prestigious indian institute revealed that the insect produces a fluid four times more nutritious than traditional milk. A specialist explained to Infobae reported the magnitude of the discovery

The Milk of roach has more properties than that of the cow (Shutterstock).

The difficulty to be overcome scientists is the impossibility of "order" to cockroaches. For the moment, are found in the search for a method to synthesize the crystals and, in that way, replicating them to their distribution in a massive way feasible.

Despite the illusion of the Indian scientists, is still in question that these crystals extracted from the cockroaches are not toxic for consumption in humans. Although it is believed that in the future, for example, be included in sports drinks designed to high performance athletes.

The most optimistic point to the cockroach milk as a beverage that can be a guard in the near future. "We are not 100% sure, but if this helps to combat food shortages that we are going to deal with it in this generation, we accept the challenge", said the researchers.

The difficulty to be overcome scientists is the impossibility of "order" to cockroaches. For the moment, are found in the search for a method to synthesize the crystals and, in that way, replicating them to their distribution in a massive way feasible.

Despite the illusion of the Indian scientists, is still in question that these crystals extracted from the cockroaches are not toxic for consumption in humans. Although it is believed that in the future, for example, be included in sports drinks designed to high performance athletes.

The most optimistic point to the cockroach milk as a beverage that can be a guard in the near future. "We are not 100% sure, but if this helps to combat food shortages that we are going to deal with it in this generation, we accept the challenge", said the researchers. Source:

I was very interested in the article and wanted to share it with you. Happy Day

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