Rabid Mindless Gun Control Preacher

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Good News: We have finally found a moronic douchebag replacement for Reverend Billy Graham, now that we have that out of the way........ the Planet can rejoice and take a big healthy Shit in the Knowledge we're all safe form Gun violence!

I love how these politically ignorant mouthpiece tots all but ignore the obvious fact that law enforcement just sit back idle allowing all those kids get gunned down. Their grand rocks for grey matter solution is to grant these same LEO's exclusive use and possession of "Assault Weapons"

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If you're not smashing those Upvote----Re steem------Follow Buttons.....
A huge fucking Meteor is going to crash into your house tonight!
You Have Been Warned!

I DON'T KNOW MAN, IS IT JUST ME?… Or is calling cops pigs
a classic that never gets old?

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Wednesday afternoons 3 till 5 PM and Friday 6 till 8 pm Pacific standard time.

And the Lord Thy God Sent forth the Pigs
Converting human misery and misfortune
into revenue by divine mandate.
" I'm here to steal from you, God Sent me!"

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