Who's about to leave the White House? Cover-up going on?? Earn STEEM/SBD to solve this.

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Someone is going to great lengths to cover this up. Reddit account deleted, Imgur account removed, T_D posts being downvoted and/or moderated away. Help solve this mystery! Comment and share please!

Who's leaving the whitehouse tomorrow??? Someone came on Reddit at about 10AM on Thursday Sept 12th claiming to be on staff at the White House, working for Trump admin. He/she claimed to be leaving the administration tomorrow. Mystery person took some photos, uploaded to Imgur to prove legitness. The message read:

Dear /r/The_Donald,

I hope you enjoy my photo album with a few favorites from the past two years. For obvious reasons, I haven't included any pictures of myself or friends, and am posting this from a throwaway. I apologize if I'm not posting this in the correct way - I'm only an expert in reading Reddit, not posting on it.

You guys often joke about whether or not the Trump administration - and specifically the White House - was ever on /r/The_Donald, and I'm here to tell you while I worked in the White House I was on it everyday, as I had been for the previous year and a half. Your energy, enthusiasm, and memes kept me and a lot of my close friends in the administration going strong during some of the tougher days, and I want to thank you sincerely for that.

I am leaving the administration this week, and I wanted to tell you that there are many patriotic people inside the administration that are doing what the American people elected them to do. Of course, there are some duds (and frankly, some Never Trumpers who finagled their way in), but overall the message you sent to Washington, DC is being born out with Trump's political appointees. There's still much more work to be done in the next six years, however, and you guys will be an instrumental part of that. Please keep up your hard work, it's more important than you think it is.

Hope this message finds you well, and of course, MAGA!

One of the photo the person posted on Imgur was from the 2018 Easter Egg Roll at the White House.

Original post from reddit user JohnDoeTrump (Google Cached)

Original Photo from Imgur taken by mystery person of interest

I sourced this photo from Google Images taken at near the same time. Can we pin point the person with the cell phone camera standing behind POTUS?

I have not had a chance to find additional photos that might be available from this event, but I think we can move fast as a team to solve this mystery.

Hell, I'll fund STEEM rewards to whoever solves this. Start your sleuthing!!!

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