Three astronauts landed safely on the earth after 115-day mission on ISS

in #news8 years ago

After spend 115 days aboard International space station, three astronauts-Nasa’s Rubins, Roscosmos’ Anatoly Ivanishin and Japan’s Takuya Onishi, came back to earth on Sunday. The landing happened in Kazakhstan. The sky was clear but cold when they left the orbital lab. According to Russian mission control, Soyuz was in upright condition when it had landed on the earth.


Rubins and Onishi are molecular biologist and it was their first space mission, while flight commander Ivanishin has five months living experience at International Space Station five years ago.

Ivanishin came out first from the craft and said

“Everybody is feeling wonderful.”

Robins was smiling after she was lifted up from the craft.


It was the first complete mission for the upgraded Soyuz spacecraft, which they used to arrive and return from ISS.

The journey of the trio was delayed by two weeks because the Russian space executives were testing all software of the modified Soyuz MS-01 whether they are working properly or not.

Research on DNA sequence in space

The announcement of DNA research in space by Nasa and the participation of Rubins in the mission made the journey to ISS interesting. It was a great plan for the career scientists.


In the month of August Rubins took the DNA samples of three living things that were Bactria, virus and mouse by a MinION device and sequenced them successfully. On the other hand, Scientists on earth at the same time sequenced the similar DNA samples.

DNA research may helpful for scientists to identify disease in space and also support them to analyze the microbes that are very unsafe and risky on the ISS.


Rubins, being the first woman, has been in space after Italian Samantha Cristoforetti who has spent 199 days in space and came back to earth in the month of June last year.


On November 17, fellow American Peggy Whitson aged 56, French astronaut Thomas Pesquet and Russian consmonaut Oleg Novitskiy will have a journey to ISS from Baikonur cosmodrome.


Whitson, being Nasa’s experienced female astronaut, will command ISS. This is second time she will have this opportunity after 2007 when she became the first female commander to handle the ISS on her second space mission. French astronaut Pesquet aged 38 is going first time to have a journey to ISS.


Pesquet held a conference on Wednesday and told them:

He feared he would be “a pain for everybody” as he plans to bring his saxophone with him into space.

Three more astronauts named Shane Kimbrough from Nasa agency, Andrei Borisenko and Roscosmos’ Sergei Ryzhikov were sent to the ISS on October 19. It was also delayed to send.

The space lab has been moving around the earth at the speed of nearly 28000 kilometer/hr since 1998.

Information sourced from here

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What a wonderful feel good story, great to read such things ! ! !

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