--- Cardinal Sin - George Pell - Guilty of Child Sexual Assault ---steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news6 years ago

Cardinal George Pell

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Cardinal George Pell - Guilty of Child Sexual Assault

Cardinal George Pell

George Pell AC (born 8 June 1941) is an Australian prelate of the Catholic Church convicted of child sexual abuse. He served as the inaugural Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy between 2014 and 2019; and was a member of the Council of Cardinal Advisers between 2013 and 2018. He previously served as the eighth Archbishop of Sydney (2001–2014), the seventh Archbishop of Melbourne (1996–2001) and an auxiliary bishop of Melbourne (1987–1996).[1] He was created a cardinal in 2003.[2] Ordained in 1966, he has also been an author, columnist, and public speaker.[3] Since becoming Archbishop of Melbourne in 1996, he has maintained a high public profile on a wide range of issues, while retaining a strict adherence to Catholic orthodoxy on most matters. His views on the environment, and global warming in particular, are inconsistent with mainstream science, and contradict the positions held by Pope Francis.[4]


After investigations by the Royal Commission in 2017 which recommended sweeping reforms for the catholic church to end child abuse, again we have another situation where the church is at the core of child sex accusations, the frequency is so high that it is seen as common knowledge, jokes about the church have been circulating as far as many can remember indicating the fact, many people have come forward over the past few decades, as much as they have been silenced and humiliated for doing so.

Many have even lost their careers , livelihood, credibility, sense of being psychologically, and even their lives for what they have endured, let alone "daring" to come forward and say such things about the church... Sinéad O'Connor story

Sinéad O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 u

Yet the issue persists, more and more people come forward and we are all just as "stunned" with the accusations, we are just as astounded that "this could happen"... but can we really be this disconnected to not see the writing on the wall here? is it really that much of a surprise?

Recently the man pictured above, in the very first image, Cardinal George Pell was found guilty of child sexual assault of two thirteen (13) year old boys in 1996. While the sentencing is still yet to be delivered (13th march 2019), he has been convicted of the crime. Yes, there is an appeal in process as we speak, but lets look at the climate of the "discussion" in the court room. Regarding Cardinal George Pells Actions:

  • “This is no more than a plain, vanilla sexual penetration case where a child is not volunteering or actively participating,”

  • It was also suggested an incident in which Pell grabbed one of the boys by the genitals in an attack that lasted seconds was “fleeting” and not worthy of a jail sentence.

This form of minimization of the actions of abuse is absolutely deplorable, fortunately the judge saw this the same way, as many others did, and spoke to that effect. This perspective was only reinforced when the The queen’s counsel Robert Richter apologised for describing George Pell's abuse as 'vanilla sex'

While the legal system "does its thing" and prepares for sentencing, it should be noted that many have come to the defense of Cardinal George Pell in radical opposition of the charges themselves and the accusers, who incidentally are the victim/s. A Catholic newspaper article (since removed) describes George Pell's 'accusers' as 'wicked', another report reading The unfair, anti-Catholic conviction of Cardinal George Pell. Seeing as this is 'those of faith' , some of which indicate they have known the accused, defending one of their own its not surprising when we look at in group out group dynamics.

However, we also see those with status and power come to the aid of Cardinal George Pell as he "suffers the abuse" of such allegations. Former Australia prime minister John Howard gave a character reference and another former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbot called his 'friend' George Pell following release of guilty verdict.

Character Reference
Writing a character reference: You have been asked to write a character reference for someone going to court because this person has broken the law. A character reference is a letter and includes your opinion of this person. The magistrate or judge will read the character reference before deciding what penalty to give.


Now, the legal system is in place and "operates" in particular way, that is, 'you do a crime you serve the time' or at least that is how it is presented for to all us 'ordinary folks' out there. However, it seems that when you have a considerable amount of 'power', you are perceived as being a 'good person', doing good deeds (of god), you have some influential friends, you are of older age or poor health, well... that means your crimes are less than the ordinary person right ? Come on... is that of any real relevance to the situation? Many would say no... But apparently this is how the world we live in works.


Unfortunately it is not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that we see these kinds of trials. Ultimate power corrupts ultimately, this is the bane of mankind's existence on this planet and soon beyond it, there is no escaping the human condition. This is more than just an issue of 'the church' and is prevalent wherever positions of 'power' exist around the world.

Clearly, when these powers are threatened they converge and protect one another, support one another , regardless of what they have been accused of or what they have done. These people assist one another because they are 'friends', not like us "ordinary" people have friends, but in the sense that they can help one another gain and maintain positions of power and control.... they are of particular pedigree and prestige, and one hand washes the other.

In cases such as this, the legal system will "do its best" to sentence criminals adequately. However, if indeed it is true that such character references and show of support means some sort of 'special consideration', minimization of actions and behaviors, etc. Then i ask, what the hell is this whole thing for? So those with more money and that know the 'right' people can have an easier time for 'doing wrong' against others in this world.

If these accusations have been substantiated in a court of law and the victims themselves have to deal with the repercussions of another persons deplorable and inexcusable actions, what difference does it make that the person perpetrating the crime has been of "good nature", that they have done great things for the community, that they are 'popular enough' to have friends in high places, etc. ? Say what they will... there is no solace or respite for the victims...


Update Edit

After writing this article, which was difficult to get through in itself, I held on from posting. Mainly because i hoped that the pessimism i held for the legal system would be disproved. I waited and watched the sentencing of Cardinal George Pell live.... it literally just finished and i must say i am appalled with the outcome.

There were a total of five (5) charges with a maximum of ten (10) years sentence each, that is a total of a possible fifty (50) years imprisonment for the charges against Cardinal George Pell. As it stands Cardinal George Pell was served a sentence which is a mere twelve percent (12%) of that total, being sentenced to six (6) years imprisonment , with a non-parole period of three (3) years and eight (8) months.

The judge mentions considerations during sentencing such as Cardinal George Pell's age, health, character references, his good character, and an ability to live a “otherwise blameless life” (a very bold claim). As i mentioned in the article and on air yesterday on Freeze Peach Radio while talking to @r0nd0n about this case, It seems that having friends in high places, money and power gives particular people the right to do as one pleases without considerable repercussion from the law and justice system.

Not only this, but it has been indicated that due to the nature of the crimes, the 'notoriety' of Pell himself and the case. That particular considerations will be implemented while carrying out his sentence, in other words he wont experience 'real jail time' like any ordinary criminal guilty of the same crimes, but instead will experience the 'first class' treatment segregated from the harsh realities of what imprisonment actually entails. Part of this 'decision' is due to the cardinals "health issues" and age.

Judge Quote: “I am conscious that the term of imprisonment, which I am about to impose upon you, carries with it a real, as distinct from theoretical, possibility that you may not live to be released from prison. Facing jail at your age in these circumstances must be an awful state of affairs for you. You are also clearly someone with some significant enough health issues.”

While many believe it is a victory to have a person of such high power being charged and serving time sentenced, many will argue that such abuse of power deserves a greater sentence. At the extreme end of the scale there are those who would want the absolute maximum sentence handed down, while im sure that those in support of Cardinal Pell would continue to state his innocence and deserves no jail time at all.

What we are left with is an attempt to find the 'middle ground', however, im sure that many will be asking if that is truly what we have attained at the outcome of the case, because a man found guilty in a court of law was handed out 12% of the maximum sentence for the abuse of children.


Thanks for covering this, Cope, I had only heard the headlines and I didn't want to give it any energy by seeking the information...

But, it's not an easy topic and I take a particular interest in the abuses of the Church (on behalf of a very close friend) so I commend you for highlighting this controversial subject and for calling out the hypocrisy of the 'system' that's so blatantly obvious to us 'ordinary folk'.

However, you've also brought attention to another subject that is often overlooked (and misunderstood) by the masses and that is the appalling way our 'justice' system handles abuse cases and the ridiculous sentencing (or not) that we see in court all too often. Just like they said, it's not what you know, it's who you know... ! Or in some cases, which barrister turns up to represent you..!

thanks for the comment @alphaccino.art , yeah its not an easy task to undertake even for analytical leaning minds searching for understanding of the construct and how it operates.

I have obviously steered well clear of the graphic details in this article (however, some of them are in the links), but to comprehend the depth of the offense and sentencing it is something which needed to be examined.

The reality of the situation we face is that the crime itself is irrelevant, what is of importance is the power and money that people have available to make these things go away... or not be revealed at all. This should be of great concern to us all.

This is merely the tip of the iceberg when we delve deeper into the situation and observe the history of this issue within mankind's social structures.

Honestly, the last couple of months i have brushed with the darker side of what humanity has to offer in the world. While i have some residual data from this investigation that i would like to present regarding the history of pedophilia through out human existence (which we call 'Pederasty') to date, i think i will have to gravitate back to observing the universe after this for the sake of my own mental health... observing humanity is incredibly depressing.

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