Police being trained to think of AMERICAN PEOPLE AS THE ENEMY...Academy recruits quit and blow the whistle.

in #news6 years ago (edited)

We've all seen it...You know those Youtubes of guys (and gals) who know their rights standing their ground while filming in public, or at un-Constitutional internal "border check points." We've seen how the younger generations of police (not all, but a lot) seem to view themselves as the "boss," and the public that pays them and to whose Constitution they swore an oath to honor/protect/serve as their servants.

Well, that notion didn't just pop into their heads, organically. This story, breaking now, tells of a group of recruits in Texas quitting the police academy because of the horrendous attitude their instructors have towards the public, and how they were being taught to think of "we the people" as the enemy.:



"The former recruits are now blowing the whistle and claiming that the type of mentality they encountered is not what they signed up for and is not representative of the greater Austin community. KVUE writes:

Summer Spisak, a 38-year-old former tech employee who participated in nine weeks of the eight-month academy last year, said instructors told her and other cadets they would “punch them in the face” if they said they wanted to be police officers to help people.

Spisak and others are now sounding the alarm for the public, saying police are being trained to view community members as the enemy and not as their fellow citizens. “It’s so different from what is portrayed…It’s so different from my expectation of the Austin Police Department,” Spisak concluded."

Yes, there is a small, vocal, radicalized (and paid) group of libtards paid by Soros and others out there making war on police. But what LEOs need to realize is those people ARE THE ENEMY, NOT the 99% of hard-working, honest Americans from whose ranks they themselves come.

This Us v. Them mentality needs to stop...ON BOTH SIDES. And, the best thing that can happen is to have the swamp drained so that the law is respected once again, and criminals NO MATTER HOW WEALTHY AND POWERFUL get equal justice under the law.


In Texas!? great. thanks alot mepatriot. I've read that liberal billionaires are spending hundreds of millions to back liberal politicians and other tactics and I've also read that Texas is the number one target of the Left, they figure if they can take Texas down first then the rest of the country will be easy. Also I think over 1,000 people per day moving to TX is diluting our conservative values especially since so many are coming from CA. is that what you heard?

Only internet chatter, but it certainly makes sense. If you want to know how the elite will react...know their goal (world government,) and look for the obstacles for their achieving that end. Texas would be a BIG obstacle, not only because of the gun culture there, but also because you have a history as an independent nation, and could always go back there (or try ot.) AND YES, I think the open border policy has been largely about neutering Texas's' conservative/Constituionalist influence.

yeah we may need you down here before it's all over mepatriot! don't worry, there ain't that many deadly snakes here...just gotta watch your step...

I recently posted something similar to this, but much more disturbing. Please take a look at my page. I'm going to follow you now because you seem to have a clue. A reciprocal follow would be appreciated!!! Thanks for the great post!

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