Here are the 256 representatives that just voted to reauthorize and expand unconstitutional NSA spying:

in #news7 years ago


The House of Representatives just voted 256–164 to pass S. 139, which reauthorizes the U.S. government’s mass spying powers under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act. They also voted down an amendment that attempted to fix the worst parts of the bill and limit domestic spying on American citizens.
The bill heads to the Senate this Tuesday, and we only need 41 Senators to stop the vote. A bipartisan group of Senators are already threatening to filibuster, as it does not include Fourth Amendment protections for innocent Americans.

Contact your Senators right now by texting FREEDOM to 384–387 (tell them to vote NO on cloture and NO on S. 139)!

These are the House Representatives (both Democrats and Republicans) who voted in support of reauthorizing and expanding NSA surveillance:
Rep. Abraham
Rep. Aderholt
Rep. Aguilar
Rep. Allen
Rep. Amodei
Rep. Arrington
Rep. Bacon
Rep. Banks (IN)
Rep. Barletta
Rep. Barr
Rep. Barton
Rep. Bera
Rep. Bergman
Rep. Bilirakis
Rep. Bishop (GA)
Rep. Bishop (MI)
Rep. Blunt Rochester
Rep. Bost
Rep. Boyle, Brendan F.
Rep. Brady (TX)
Rep. Bridenstine
Rep. Brooks (AL)
Rep. Brooks (IN)
Rep. Brown (MD)
Rep. Brownley (CA)
Rep. Buchanan
Rep. Bucshon
Rep. Bustos
Rep. Byrne
Rep. Calvert
Rep. Carson (IN)
Rep. Carter (GA)
Rep. Carter (TX)
Rep. Cartwright
Rep. Castor (FL)
Rep. Chabot
Rep. Cheney
Rep. Clyburn
Rep. Coffman
Rep. Cole
Rep. Collins (GA)
Rep. Collins (NY)
Rep. Comer
Rep. Comstock
Rep. Conaway
Rep. Cook
Rep. Cooper
Rep. Costa
Rep. Costello (PA)
Rep. Cramer
Rep. Crawford
Rep. Crist
Rep. Cuellar
Rep. Culberson
Rep. Curbelo (FL)
Rep. Curtis
Rep. Davis, Rodney
Rep. Delaney
Rep. Demings
Rep. Denham
Rep. Dent
Rep. DeSantis
Rep. DesJarlais
Rep. Deutch
Rep. Diaz-Balart
Rep. Donovan
Rep. Dunn
Rep. Estes (KS)
Rep. Faso
Rep. Ferguson
Rep. Fitzpatrick
Rep. Fleischmann
Rep. Flores
Rep. Fortenberry
Rep. Foster
Rep. Foxx
Rep. Frankel (FL)
Rep. Frelinghuysen
Rep. Gaetz
Rep. Gallagher
Rep. Garamendi
Rep. Gianforte
Rep. Gibbs
Rep. Goodlatte
Rep. Gottheimer
Rep. Gowdy
Rep. Granger
Rep. Graves (GA)
Rep. Graves (MO)
Rep. Grothman
Rep. Guthrie
Rep. Handel
Rep. Harper
Rep. Hartzler
Rep. Hensarling
Rep. Hice, Jody B.
Rep. Higgins (LA)
Rep. Higgins (NY)
Rep. Hill
Rep. Himes
Rep. Holding
Rep. Hollingsworth
Rep. Hoyer
Rep. Hudson
Rep. Huizenga
Rep. Hultgren
Rep. Hunter
Rep. Hurd
Rep. Issa
Rep. Jenkins (KS)
Rep. Jenkins (WV)
Rep. Johnson (LA)
Rep. Johnson (OH)
Rep. Johnson, Sam
Rep. Joyce (OH)
Rep. Katko
Rep. Keating
Rep. Kelly (MS)
Rep. Kelly (PA)
Rep. King (IA)
Rep. King (NY)
Rep. Kinzinger
Rep. Knight
Rep. Krishnamoorthi
Rep. Kuster (NH)
Rep. Kustoff (TN)
Rep. LaHood
Rep. LaMalfa
Rep. Lamborn
Rep. Lance
Rep. Langevin
Rep. Latta
Rep. Lawson (FL)
Rep. Lipinski
Rep. LoBiondo
Rep. Loebsack
Rep. Long
Rep. Love
Rep. Lowey
Rep. Lucas
Rep. Luetkemeyer
Rep. Lujan Grisham, M.
Rep. MacArthur
Rep. Maloney, Sean
Rep. Marchant
Rep. Marino
Rep. Marshall
Rep. Mast
Rep. McCarthy
Rep. McCaul
Rep. McEachin
Rep. McKinley
Rep. McMorris Rodgers
Rep. McSally
Rep. Meehan
Rep. Meeks
Rep. Messer
Rep. Mitchell
Rep. Moolenaar
Rep. Moulton
Rep. Mullin
Rep. Murphy (FL)
Rep. Newhouse
Rep. Noem
Rep. Norcross
Rep. Nunes
Rep. O’Halleran
Rep. Olson
Rep. Palazzo
Rep. Palmer
Rep. Panetta
Rep. Paulsen
Rep. Pelosi
Rep. Perlmutter
Rep. Peters
Rep. Peterson
Rep. Pittenger
Rep. Poliquin
Rep. Posey
Rep. Quigley
Rep. Ratcliffe
Rep. Reed
Rep. Reichert
Rep. Renacci
Rep. Rice (NY)
Rep. Rice (SC)
Rep. Roby
Rep. Rogers (AL)
Rep. Rogers (KY)
Rep. Rokita
Rep. Rooney, Francis
Rep. Rooney, Thomas J.
Rep. Ros-Lehtinen
Rep. Rosen
Rep. Roskam
Rep. Ross
Rep. Rothfus
Rep. Rouzer
Rep. Royce (CA)
Rep. Ruiz
Rep. Ruppersberger
Rep. Russell
Rep. Rutherford
Rep. Ryan (WI)
Rep. Schiff
Rep. Schneider
Rep. Schweikert
Rep. Scott, Austin
Rep. Scott, David
Rep. Sessions
Rep. Sewell (AL)
Rep. Shimkus
Rep. Shuster
Rep. Simpson
Rep. Sinema
Rep. Sires
Rep. Slaughter
Rep. Smith (MO)
Rep. Smith (NE)
Rep. Smith (NJ)
Rep. Smith (TX)
Rep. Smucker
Rep. Stefanik
Rep. Stewart
Rep. Stivers
Rep. Suozzi
Rep. Swalwell (CA)
Rep. Taylor
Rep. Tenney
Rep. Thompson (CA)
Rep. Thompson (PA)
Rep. Thornberry
Rep. Tiberi
Rep. Tipton
Rep. Torres
Rep. Trott
Rep. Turner
Rep. Upton
Rep. Valadao
Rep. Veasey
Rep. Wagner
Rep. Walberg
Rep. Walden
Rep. Walker
Rep. Walorski
Rep. Walters, Mimi
Rep. Wasserman Schultz
Rep. Wenstrup
Rep. Westerman
Rep. Wilson (SC)
Rep. Wittman
Rep. Womack
Rep. Woodall
Rep. Young (AK)
Rep. Young (IA)
Rep. Zeldin

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