22/5000 Āsthā hārācchē phēsabuka! Facebook is losing confidence!

in #news7 years ago

Mātra 3 hājāra 600 kōṭi ḍalāra gēchē khōẏā! Bānlādēśi mudrāẏa tā 2 lākha 95 hājāra 200 kōṭi ṭākā. Mātra ēka dinē śēẏārabājārē ṭhika ē'i parimāṇa bājāramūlya hāriẏēchē sāmājika yōgāyōgēra mādhyama phēsabuka. Byabahārakārīdēra byaktigata tathya bēhāta ha'ōẏāra abhiyōga ōṭhāra para ōẏālasṭriṭē naṛabaṛē haẏē yāẏa phēsabukēra abasthāna. Biślēṣakērā balachēna, natuna abhiyōgē astitbēra saṅkaṭē paṛēchē phēsabuka. Ētē ēkadikē yēmana prayukti pratiṣṭhānaṭira ōpara byabahārakārīdēra āsthā kamē yētē pārē, an'yadikē kṣatigrasta hatē pārē byabasāẏika sunāma.

Abhiyōga uṭhēchē, kēmabrija ayānāliṭikā nāmēra ēkaṭi pratiṣṭhānēra ayāpa byabahārēra anumati diẏēchila phēsabuka. Ō'i ayāpēra mādhyamē kōṭi kōṭi phēsabuka byabahārakārīra byaktigata tathya saṅgraha karē kēmabrija ayānāliṭikā. Sē'i tathya parē byabahāra karā haẏa yuktarāṣṭrēra prēsiḍēnṭa ḍōnālḍa ṭrāmpēra nirbācanī pracārēra kājē. Ē kājēra saṅgē jaṛita ēka adhyāpaka samprati mukha khōlāẏa prakāśyē ēsēchē sabakichu. Ēkhana purō biṣaẏaṭi niẏē praśna tulēchēna yuktarāṣṭra, yuktarājya ō i'urōpīẏa i'uniẏanabhukta (i'i'u) bibhinna dēśēra rājanītibidērā. Tadanta'ō śuru haẏē gēchē.

Ē khabara chaṛiẏē paṛāra para gatakāla sōmabāra phēsabukēra śēẏārēra dāmē dhasa nāmē. Prati śēẏārēra dāma 172 ḍalāra 56 sēnṭē nēmē gēchē. Ēka dinē'i phēsabukēra śēẏārēra dāma kamēchē 6 daśamika 7 śatānśa. Gata kaẏēka bacharēra madhyē pratiṣṭhānaṭira śēẏārēra dāma ētaṭā kamē yā'ōẏā najirabihīna. Śudhu phēsabuka naẏa, kṣatigrasta haẏēchē an'yān'ya prayukti pratiṣṭhāna'ō. Phin'yānsiẏāla ṭā'imasēra dē'ōẏā tathya anuyāẏī, nāsadākēra śēẏārēra dāma kamēchē 1 daśamika 8 śatānśa hārē. Ayālaphābēṭa bā gugalēra śēẏārēra dāma kamēchē 3 daśamika 5 śatānśa. Āmājanēra dāma kamēchē 2 daśamika 3 śatānśa. Ayāpalēra pratiṭi śēẏāra lēnadēna haẏēchē āgēra cēẏē 2 śatānśa kama dāmē. An'yadikē, mā'ikrōsaphaṭēra śēẏārēra dāma 2 daśamika 2 śatānśa kamē gēchē.

Phēsabukēra ē'i kēlēṅkāritē saraba haẏēchēna sarakāra ō rājanītira bāghā bāghā byakti. Bibisi analā'inēra khabarē jānānō haẏa, yuktarājyēra pradhānamantrī thērēsā mē ē ghaṭanākē ‘atyanta udbēgajanaka’ balē abhihita karēchēna. Kēmabrija ayānāliṭikāra lanḍana kāryālaẏē tallāśi cālānōra anumati cēẏēchē dēśaṭira tathya surakṣā kartr̥pakṣa.

An'yadikē, yuktarāṣṭrēra ḍēmōkrēṭika ō ripābalikāna—ubhaẏa rājanaitika dalēra sinēṭararā tathya nirāpattā niẏē śunānira ḍāka diẏēchēna. Ḍēmōkryāṭa sinēṭara ayāmi klōbuśāra ō ripābalikāna-dalīẏa jana kēnēḍi balēchēna, tām̐rā śunānitē phēsabukēra pratiṣṭhātā mārka jākārabārgakē jijñāsābāda karatē cāna. Ēka'i saṅgē an'yān'ya prayukti pratiṣṭhānēra pradhānadēra'ō jijñāsābāda karāra kathā balēchēna tām̐rā.

Abhiyōgēra mukhē gata śukrabāra kēmabrija ayānāliṭikā nāmēra ō'i parāmarśaka pratiṣṭhānakē barakhāsta karēchē phēsabuka. Sāmājika yōgāyōgamādhyamaṭira pakṣa thēkē dē'ōẏā bibr̥titē dābi karā haẏēchē, niẏamabhaṅgakārī ēkajana gabēṣakēra kācha thēkē byabahārakārīdēra tathya pēẏēchila kēmabrija ayānāliṭikā. Tabē ē dharanēra abhiyōga asbīkāra karēchē kēmabrija ayānāliṭikā.

Abhiyōgēra ādyōpānta
yuktarājya ō yuktarāṣṭrēra gaṇamādhyamē prathama ē bitarkēra sūcanā haẏa. Dya ni'u'iẏarka ṭā'imasē prakāśita pratibēdanē balā haẏa, 2016 sālē yuktarāṣṭrēra prēsiḍēnṭa nirbācanē āmērikāna nāgarikadēra bhōṭa dē'ōẏāra kṣētrē prabhāba rēkhēchila tathya biślēṣaṇa karāra pratiṣṭhāna kēmabrija ayānāliṭikā. Ē kṣētrē phēsabukēra kōṭi kōṭi byabahārakārīra prōphā'ila thēkē pā'ōẏā tathya byabahāra karā haẏēchila.

Si'ēna'ēnēra khabarē balā haẏēchē, kēmabrija biśbabidyālaẏēra manōbijñānēra adhyāpaka ālēksānḍāra kōgānēra tairi ayāplikēśana ‘disa'ija'i'ōraḍijiṭālalā'ipha’ byabahārēra anumati diẏēchila phēsabuka. Pratiṣṭhānaṭi jāniẏēchē, ēra phalē byabahārakārīdēra tathya jōgāṛa karāra suyōga pāna ō'i adhyāpaka. Ō'i ayāpa mūlata ēkaṭi byaktitbabiṣaẏaka parīkṣā cālāta. Kintu yēsaba phēsabuka byabahārakārī ō'i ayāpa ḍā'unalōḍa karatēna, tām̐rā ālēksānḍāra kōgānakē nijēdēra bibhinna tathya nē'ōẏāra anumati'ō ditēna. Ēra phalē byabahārakārīdēra abasthāna, tām̐dēra bandhu ō yēsaba pōsṭē tām̐rā ‘lā'ika’ ditēna, sē samparkē jānatē pāratēna manōbijñānēra ō'i adhyāpaka. Ō'i samaẏa phēsabukēra niẏamanītira madhyē'ō ē kāryakrama anumōdita chila.

Dya ni'u'iẏarka ṭā'imasēra khabarē balā haẏa, byabahārakārīdēra ō'i tathyābali kōgāna kēmabrija ayānāliṭikāra kāchē sarabarāha karēna. Phēsabukēra nītimālā bhaṅga karē'i ē kāja karēna tini. Phēsabukēra pām̐ca kōṭira bēśi byabahārakārīra tathya ēbhābē bēhāta haẏē yāẏa.

Ō'i samaẏa kēmabrija ayānāliṭikā bhōṭāradēra prabhābita karā yābē, ēmana prayukti udbhābanēra cēṣṭā karachila. Phēsabuka kartr̥pakṣēra dābi, 2015 sālē kēmabrija ayānāliṭikākē ō'i saba tathya muchē phēlatē balēchila tārā. Kintu kaẏēka dina āgē jākārabārgēra pratiṣṭhāna jānatē pārē, ō'i tathyabhānḍārēra sabaṭuku muchē phēlā haẏani.

Ēdikē kēmabrija ayānāliṭikā kartr̥pakṣa balēchē, ni'u'iẏarka ṭā'imasēra pratibēdanē yē tathyēra kathā balā haẏēchē, sēgulō 2016 sālē yuktarāṣṭrēra prēsiḍēnṭa nirbācanē ḍōnālḍa ṭrāmpakē sarabarāha karā haẏani. Tabē ṭrāmpa śibirakē sēbā dē'ōẏāra kathā prakārāntarē sbīkāra karē niẏēchē kēmabrija ayānāliṭikā.

Ni'u'iẏarka ṭā'imasa ō an'yān'ya sambādamādhyamē ē niẏē prakāśita sāmpratika pratibēdanagulō mūlata kēmabrija ayānāliṭikāra sābēka kanṭrākṭara krisṭōphāra u'ilira sākṣāṯkārēra bhittitē tairi karā haẏēchē.

Ēta śōragōla kēna?
Yuktarāṣṭrē 2016 sālēra prēsiḍēnṭa nirbācanēra para thēkē'i gaṇatāntrika nirbācanī prakriẏāẏa sāmājika yōgāyōgamādhyamēra bhūmikā niẏē praśna uṭhachē. Ālōcanāẏa āchē mithyā sambāda pracāra, sāmpradāẏikatā ō ghr̥ṇā chaṛānōra kṣētrē sāmājika yōgāyōgamādhyama byabahārēra biṣaẏaṭi. Ē niẏē kichudina āgē mukha khulēchilēna phēsabukēra pratiṣṭhātā ō pradhāna nirbāhī mārka jākārabārga'ō. Takhana tini ‘phēsabuka bām̐cānōra’ padakṣēpa nē'ōẏāra kathā'ō balēchilēna.

Si'ēna'ēnēra ēka biślēṣaṇē balā haẏēchē, sāmpratika bitarkē phēsabukēra byabasāpad'dhati niẏa
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Only 3 billion and 6 billion dollars was lost! In Bangladesh currency, it is 2 lakh 95 thousand and 200 million taka. In just one day, the share market has lost just this amount of money. Facebook has become shaky in Wall Street after complaints of recognization of users' personal data. Analysts say Facebook is in trouble with the new charges. This can reduce the confidence of users on the one hand such as technology companies, while on the other hand, business reputation may be affected.

The complaint has been raised, Facebook has allowed the use of an organization named Cambridge Anilitika. Cambridge Analytics, which collects personal information from millions of Facebook users through that app. That information was later used in the election campaign of US President Donald Trump. A professor associated with this work has come out openly in front of all the public. Now the United States, the UK and European Union (EU) politicians of different countries have questioned the whole issue. The investigation has begun.

After the news spread, Facebook shares fell on Monday on Monday. Every share price dropped to $ 172 56 cents. Facebook shares fell 6.7 percent in one day. In the past few years, the share price of the company is so unprecedented that the share price is so low. Not only Facebook, other technology companies have also been affected. According to the information given by the Financial Times, the share price of Nasdaq fell by 1.8 percent. Alfabate or Google's share price decreased by 3.1 percent. Amazon's price has dropped 2.3 percent. Each of Apple's shares has been trading at less than 2 percent. On the other hand, the share price of Microsoft dropped by 2.1 percent.

This scandal has been circulated in the Facebook and Bagha Bagha person of politics and politics. BBC News reported that UK Prime Minister Theresa May called this incident "very worrying". Cambridge Analyst sought permission to conduct searches at the London office of the country's information security authority.

On the other hand, US Democratic and Republican-based political senators have called for a hearing on information security. Democrat Senator Amy Klubshot and Republican-Party John Kennedy said they wanted to interrogate Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in the hearing. At the same time, they also asked the heads of other technology organizations to interrogate them.

Facebook has dismissed the consulting firm named Cambridge Anita on Friday in the face of the charges. According to a statement from social media, users of Cambridge Analyst received information from a disciplined researcher. However, Cambridge Analyst denied the allegations.

From the beginning of the complaint
The debate started in the media of the United Kingdom and the United States. According to the report published in The New York Times, Cambridge Institute of Information Analysis, which analyzed the US citizens' vote in 2016, was influenced by the US presidential election. In this case, information obtained from Facebook's billions of user profiles was used.

According to the CNN news, Facebook has allowed the use of DiseaseEducationalLife in the application made by Alexander Kogan, professor of psychology at Cambridge University, Facebook. The organization said that, this gives the user the opportunity to get information about the professor. The app mainly runs a personality test. But the Facebook users who downloaded the app also allowed Alexander Cagan to take his own information. As a result, the professor of psychology who knew about the location of the users, their friends and the posts they would like to 'like'. At that time, the program was approved even in the Facebook policy.

According to The New York Times, users have provided the information to Cone Cambridge Analyst. He did this by breaking the Facebook policy. More than five million Facebook users are unaffected in this way.

At that time, Cambridge analyst was trying to innovate technology that could affect voters. Facebook authorities claim that they had asked Cambridge Analytics to delete all those information in 2015. But a few days ago, Zuckerberg's organization knew that all of that database was not deleted.

Meanwhile, Cambridge Analyst Authority said the information that was reported in the New York Times report was not provided to the Donald Trump in the US presidential election in 2016. However, in conjunction with the Trump Camp, it has been acknowledged that Cambridge Analykt

Recent reports published by the New York Times and other media have been based on the interviews of former Controller Christopher Willie, originally from Cambridge Analyst.

Why so cry?
Since the 2016 presidential election in the United States, there is a question of the role of social media in the democratic electoral process. Discussion about the use of social media in spreading false news, communalism, and hatred. Facebook founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg also opened the face a few days ago. Then he also told to take steps to 'save facebook'.

An analysis of CNN has said that Facebook's business process management in the recent debate

The millionaire by the bug

Are you looking for a millionaire? But Google, find out the kind of bugs or software errors Apple products have. If you can find out, the amount that you get as a reward can sometimes be worth millions. No matter how much technology companies want to strengthen the security of the device, often Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook are at risk of malware and software errors. So to find out the error, the companies are not lagging behind to spend money. Find out some of these opportunities:

Facebook: Last year, Facebook authorities paid about half a billion dollars to bug hunters. Facebook offers a great reward for finding out if there are security flaws in the platform. To get this error, go to (https://www.facebook.com/whitehat/) link. Facebook has not set the maximum limit on the amount of money to be paid if the error is detected.

Microsoft: Microsoft announced a reward for finding software errors from 2014, and Microsoft's Redmond-based technology firm Microsoft Microsoft's online services, if someone could detect serious errors, would give more than two million prizes to Microsoft. You can find that error from here (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn425036.aspx).

Apple: Apple Systems Authority has said that the firm has given the prize system for its safety, but the company has given the arrangement for awarding software errors. Of course, this opportunity is only for the developers. (https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/) link will be available from this link. On behalf of Apple, a reward of up to 15 million taka is given.

Google: If you can find an error in the different services of Google, you can get more than one and a half million prize money. Google has paid more than 25 million taka to security researchers in the year 2017. To know about Google's security error removal, go to https://www.google.com/about/appsecurity/reward-program/.

Samsung: Samsung has announced a huge reward for smartphones and tablets and bug fixes, but the mobile division of Samsung Electronics has announced. If you can get the error out, it is possible to get more than one and a half million prizes. However, to get the award, difficult conditions have to be passed. To know about Samsung's error, go to the link (https://security.samsungmobile.com/rewardsProgram.smsb).

Intel: Chip maker Intel recently was in danger of using Specter malware The company has raised the prize to find the security flaw in the chip. If you can hold the bug, you can get one and a half million taka. You can find out more about this link (https://security-center.intel.com/BugBountyProgram.aspx) link.

Twitter: Microblogging site can get a reward of Rs 15 lakh if ​​you can get any errors on Twitter. Twitter authorities said that security experts and researchers would be welcome if they could find any errors in Twitter service. To know more about this, go to the link (https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/reporting-security-vulnerabilities) link.

Uber: In the last few quarters, there have been discussions on different issues. However, if there is any error in the Uber platform, the organizers of the Raid Sharing Platform have announced a huge reward. The prize will be available for around Tk. 16 crores. It can be known from Uber (https://hackerone.com/uber) link.

Yahoo: If you can find any bugs or software errors or security issues in Yahoo! applications, then Yahoo will reward you with a huge reward. On behalf of Yahoo, a reward of up to Tk 13 lakh may be given. The security researcher or ethical hackers (https://hackerone.com/yahoo) link will be given a reward by verifying it by reporting the error to the Yahoo Security Team. References: Gadgets Now.


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