CIA Whistleblower Spills The Beans On EverythingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

I am thankful for a platform like Steemit where I can post this article. I would never post this to any of my other online accounts because I fear being labelled a conspiracy-theory believer, a "Truther", and then being associated with all of the negative connotations that come with these labels. Truthfully, I am a bit fearful posting this to Steemit because this is permanent!

Connotations that suggest I obsess over small details and look for reasons to rationalize every event as "Illuminati-sponsored." The reality is that this is very far from the truth. Above all else, I consider myself a critical thinker.

I do, from time to time, wander down the rabbit hole of the elusive "conspiracy theory" but I do so in hopes of learning some key piece of information for what is to come. The fact of the matter is, I consider myself a history buff AND an investor that makes investment decisions based on larger, structural trends that are unstoppable.

As a result of these interests of mine, there are certain patterns throughout our nation's history that I believe should be taught in our schools. Unfortunately, not a single one of these patterns or events are given the light of day in school. The video below does a fantastic job covering some of these crucial gaps of knowledge in our general public.

My appreciation for critical thinking has allowed me to realize that most in today's world blindly accept the word of the "expert". They want someone to make the tough decisions for them, whether it be related to health, religion, security, finance, nutrition, you name it. This is laziness and ignorance, folks. In my opinion, two of the worst enemies of progress, prosperity, and ultimately, solidarity.

Once you realize that you have the ability (and the responsibility) to make all of these tough decisions on your own (consulting with your closest friends and family along the way, of course) it is quite a liberating moment.

I have taken to Steemit primarily to discuss my investing approach. Incidentally, I have begun to realize that I have more than just investment knowledge to offer to the good folks of this platform. Throughout my studies of the markets, I have developed a comprehensive understanding of history, politics, geopolitical/military strategy, psychology, and humanitarianism. I have been ardently reading about these very topics since I was 15 years old, beginning with history and then carrying over into the world of finance and investing. This is not to say that I am any sort of expert, but rather someone who has committed to lifelong learning in these areas.

Bringing these additional knowledge bases to the table and applying them to investing (after all, we all want to make money) makes investing much more of a holistic process.

So why this post, and why now? The world of cryptocurrencies and digital ledger tech has created an opportunity that only comes along so often in history. The more people know, the better we are equipped to improve the group-thinking that is so prevalent in our society. Make no mistake, money reigns supreme in our world, and while crypto and DLT offer promise, they will be co-opted by nefarious intentions if left unchecked.

Fortunately for us, we have the means to coordinate where this money ought to go. The most important thing we can do is make sure we are well-informed, critically thinking, and focusing our energy towards accomplishing something rather than simply talking about it. Another recommendation here, avoid the mainstream media and take to books and other long form storytelling platforms that allow for a more complete description of events.

Please excuse the introductory clip to the video with the ominous music! Also please excuse the watermark for I am in no way affiliated with that site, have never visited it before, nor do I intend to go down that rabbit hole anytime soon. Please focus on the message that the presentation delivers, and keep an open mind! This is not a message of doom and gloom, it is one of hope and optimism. Consult with your intuition, your critical-thinking mind, your social networks, and most importantly, with your MONEY!

Some of the Presentation's Key Moments:

I recommend watching the entire clip, especially the introduction. Thereafter, here is the summary:

@ 7:35

Who does the CIA have control over? I think you’ll be surprised to hear that Silicon Valley, the mainstream media, and many others have all been recruited as CIA operators.

@ 15:06

Why more whistleblowers are not coming out to talk about this issue.

@ 23:34

The money that funds ALL of the shadow government and deep state activities were siphoned from public funds for social security, Medicare, Medicaid, healthcare, and infrastructure. Our economy is weakening and even in the 21st Century we are still experiencing poverty in the US. Is this how it should be?

@ 28:30

How is it exactly that the CIA manipulates our democratic republic system?

@ 43:15

The CIA has a firm grip on the military industrial congressional complex and they leverage that grip to influence our elected government and the private sector.

@ 52:58

Following 9/11, the US has been in a perpetual state of war and the constitution has been suspended; meaning, we are no longer functioning as a democratic republic.

“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When governments fear the people, there is liberty.”
— Thomas Jefferson


Thank you for being here, and for trying to awaken others @maven360.

I think you got it wrong. It's Trump vs CIA,FBI, Congress, and the Media. The last President that tried to go up against the CIA was JFK.

Thanks for the comment @alao! I agree with you that he is attempting to take on all of these entities. However, I have to also agree with the presenter when he states that the CIA is really the brains (central node he calls it) behind each of these other entities you mention (i.e. FBI, Congress, Media, etc.)

Take a look at the 7:50 - 11:25 mark and let me know what you think!

If one thing I notice is that humans structure the micro level in a macro level. Bitcoin and crypto might be a part if it. Behind each of the nodes in crypto is a human being using his time and energy to foster this global computer. It's a natural evolution from the created to bring creators.

Crypto is an evolution in finance @alao. An evolution in finance will trickle down throughout all facets of our society (money reigns supreme). How so remains to be seen, but I would like to point out the following article that highlights how awry some allow their expectations to become. May I suggest expectations somewhere in the middle of "moonshot" and death?

For me, the true promise of crypto is a fully transparent financial system that does not allow Shadow Governments to see light of day. If it achieves this, then it will be remembered as a significant development in mankind's history.

And to complete my thinking here, below is a quote I find particularly interesting as it relates to the post:

"Never attribute to malice, that which can be reasonably explained by stupidity." — Spider Robinson

We are certainly dealing with corruption, greed, power, etc. but also we have to maintain our fight against outright stupidity.

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