Don't mess with the eight most powerful superfamilies in the world

in #news5 years ago


  1. The Krupp family has long been an industrial giant in Germany. Its influence was so great that it even monopolized the steel industry in Germany without anyone daring to stop it. However, at the end of World War II, their factories were destroyed, but then rebuilt. Although the Khopper family's glory has ceased, they are still the giants of the steel industry, so their strength is strong.


  1. This family is also well-known in modern times. Perhaps friends who have studied Operations and Maintenance know that Tata is a telecommunications giant in India and even in the world. In fact, in the past, the Tata family was also successful in the steel industry, owning India's largest steel plant.


  1. The Rockefeller family is the leading financial giant. The founder of their family was John D. Rockefeller. Although he was born poor, he became the richest man in American history. He has created a lot of wealth in his life, such as JDR's Stanard Oil Oil Company, which once controlled 90% of the oil in the United States.


  1. The Kennedy family was once the most influential family in American politics. Its Dynasty period was from 1947 to 2011. During this period, they can be said to be the Royal Family of the United States. Why do you say that? Because during this period, there will be at least one family member in the whole year who holds a first-level position in the country, such as Senator or governor.


  1. The Bach family has ruled Kuwait since 1752 and has continued to this day. In other words, they have absolute power in Kuwait. And Scott, as an oil-rich country, ruling it means having unlimited wealth.


  1. Speaking of the Bush family, you must be a little impressed. Both Bush and President George W. Bush came from this family. In fact, the Bush family still has a decisive influence on American politics. They are even considered to be the most successful political dynasty in American history. There were two Presidents (George W. Bush, Jr.) in the Bush family, and there were members who served as governors and senators.


  1. Speaking of this name, you may feel familiar in front of the screen. Yes, you may think of Wal-Mart. In reality, the Walton family owns 52% of Wal-Mart, and its wealth value is conservatively estimated to exceed $130 billion. So well developed, the Walton family naturally can not do without performance on the political stage.


  1. This family is a real bull. The Saudi family is the ruling family of Saudi Arabia, and they have supreme power. How to reflect this? Even the names of countries are named after their names, which shows their power. I don't know where they are higher.

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