UK Labour Party Accused of Anti-Semitism

in #news6 years ago

It has been a bad week for the UK opposition Labour Party amid claims of anti-semitism and falling membership numbers.

The Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn (Source)

Accusations of Anti-Semitism

Labour's leader, 68-year-old Jeremy Corbyn, has been under fire for failing to act to stamp out anti-semitism within the party. In response to the way the Labour party has handled the issue, a major donor, Sir David Gerrard, who is himself Jewish, and has donated nearly £1.5 million to the party coffers since 2003 has now left the party.

In a statement Sir Garrard said the following;

“As one of the former leading political and financial supporters of the Labour party, of which I was a member for so many decades, I no longer feel any affinity with, or connection to, what it seems to have become, I have watched with dismay and foreboding the manner in which the leadership has, in my view, over the last two years, conducted itself."

“I consider that it has supported and endorsed the most blatant acts of antisemitism. And yet it has failed to expel many of those who have engaged in the grossest derogatory fantasies about Jewish/Zionist conspiracies – and Jewish characterisations and accusations which conjure up the very kind of antisemitic attacks that led to such unbearable consequences for innocent millions in the past. So there no longer exists a party which even pretends to maintain and promote the principles and the integrity of what always was, to me, the Labour party. “On the contrary, I have been witnessing, since Mr Corbyn became leader, a philosophical and a political policy which espouses, in nearly every respect, the very antithesis of the great party under whose reputation, and under whose flag, it now seeks to fly and where so many other Jews were once so proud to stand.”

Sir Gerrard quitting as a party donor came around the same time that a senior party member and strong supporter of Jeremy Corbyn resigned. Christine Shawcroft, who was on the disputes panel, was accused of defending Labour Party council candidate Alan Bull after he posted a series of antisemitic posts on social media.

Police have now been urged to investigate after an undercover investigation revealed pro-Corbyn Facebook pages contained violent and anti-semitic comments made by Labour militants. The comments also included calls for Prime Minister Theresa May to be murdered as well as threatening and abusive remarks about moderate Labour Members of Parliament (MPs). At least a dozen senior Labour staff and the shadow chancellor John McDonnell are believed to be members of abusive groups.

Falling Membership Numbers

Labour party membership card (Source)

In response to all the negative headlines surrounding Labour, it appears that more people are now leaving the party than are joining. Over 17000 party members have recently resigned or not renewed their membership. This is in contrast to the huge surge in support for Labour during and after the last general election when membership almost doubled.

According to an article in The Independent newspaper, several Labour MPs have spoken of a net loss of members over recent weeks.

An unnamed MP said

“We knew some of them [last year’s recruits] would lose interest at some point, but it is happening quicker than we thought.”

This fall in support could leave Jeremy Corbyn open to a leadership challenge. A Labour cabinet member has claimed

“Even some members who voted for Jeremy are now saying he lacks the competence to be leader. They are still left-wing, but they are wondering whether he is the right man to lead us into the next election.”

It remains to be seen if the current troubles will have a long-term impact on the electoral chances for Labour and the sustainability of Corbyns leadership.


Falling membership details from

Hate abuse details from

Donor details from

Originally Published on STEEMNEWS.ONLINE


Let us be clear the anti-semitism charge against Corbyn is nonsense.
This whole fabricated ''scandal'' has been cooked up by elements of the Labour Party right wing in cahoots with a rabidly right wing media owned by several billionaires.

It is being used to try and damage Labour before the upcoming May elections and give some relief to the Tory government which has been on the rocks due to its Brexit troubles.

Hi @saltycat and thank you for the comment. Well, I do think a lot of it is Labours own fault. For example, this tweet by a Mr Dorian Bartley comparing Benjamin Netanyahu to Hitler is in effect comparing the world’s only Jewish state with those that carried out the Holocaust.

Mr Bartley is an elected Labour party Member with responsibility for Black Asian and Minority Ethnic representation in the Gipsy Hill Branch in South London. Also, a Buzzfeed news report dated the 4th April mentions that at least ten candidates or sitting councillors have been referred to Labour’s compliance unit over anti-Semitism allegations. In total around 150 members have been reported. It seems that this kind of thing runs deep in the Labour party.

Hi, thank you for your comment. Personally, I think a small number of people are getting themselves into trouble by expressing their frustration with Israel's policies towards the Palestinians in inappropriate ways. I honestly do not think the majority of these people are really anti-semitic.

On the other hand, there are those who equate any criticism of Israel with anti-semitism.

Both are over reactions and inappropriate ways of portraying their political opponents.

We need to have tolerance of a diversity of opinions where political debate can be sharp but not resort to caricature and offence. Our elected politicians and especially the media could help by setting a much better standard in their public discourse.

Totally agree with you there. In an ideal world, parties of all persuasions would work together for the good of the country as a whole and forego all the mud slinging that is prevalent in politics today. I'm all for differing views but it becomes very childish sometimes as they sit in their Westminister bubble. Thanks for the conversation.

here you can read about anti-Semitism there is a lot of good written and the news is really useful, so study

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