One of the (many) reasons America is a f*cked up place: the damn politicians and elected officials

in #news7 years ago

Lee Camp's hackneyed jokes dilute the message, imho, but still, this is a great video pointing out the times elected officials spout their actual, very cringe-inducing motives.

Highlights include:

  • "I don't support a living wage." (oh, so you're okay with financial slavery? Duly noted, and maybe you should try living on something less than a living wage.)
  • "Unpledged delegates exist so party leaders and elected officials don't have to be in a position where they are running against a grassroots activists." (oh, so you're okay with thwarting democracy to push an agenda that The People would be against, hence them backing a grassroots activist? Duly fucking noted.)
  • "The goal of the United States is two-fold. We destabilize Syria... um...." (oh, so we're openly fucking over other countries. Nice. No wonder the world fucking hates us.)
  • "Policemen are there to preserve disorder." (oh, so that the stripping of rights can continue since people are living in a hostile world enabled by 'peace officers' whose role is to effectively preserve chaos? Good to fucking know.)
  • " trumps peace... sometimes." (oh, so those with the bankrolls get to create chaos and profit off the misery of others? I'm sure Jesus is impressed.)
  • "Take on the intelligence community, and they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at ya." (oh, so fear the reaper, right? Fear sometimes has the opposite effect of pissing people off and something something French Revolution.)
  • "Let's remember here, the people we're fighting today, we funded." (Why does the US Gov get a pass at funding terrorism while pumping the fear of terrorist attacks onto the American [ and world ] population?)
  • "This is not something we're going to give up on. We're not going to give up destroying the health care system for the American people." (oh, so only elites such as yourself, can have access to quality health care? Good to fucking know.)

The sad thing is, most people find out the true colors of those elected after they've been placed in office. Or, if they get an idea of the scope of a person, the media (thanks to CIA's Operation Mockingbird) does some razzle-dazzle distracto-hands and diverts attention from the topic at hand.


Really loved that part with Hillary the people we're fighting today, we funded.
The talibans, Saddam, ISIS. I wonder when will the general public get this?

They'd have to pull their collective heads out of their asses and take a deep, shit-clearing breath. Too much effort for some, which is why they blindly follow the words of those paid to lie to them.

It's frustrating. What America needs is a gigantic red pill so righteous indignation and a want to fix a broken system kicks in, otherwise we're stuck with the same crapola.

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