For North Korea, Donald Trump is a "psychopath"

in #news7 years ago

For Pyongyang, Donald Trump is a "psychopath", which exacerbates tensions between the United States and North Korea, masking the "difficult situation" in which he is in his country.

Tension is at its height between North Korea and the United States. Pyongyang on Thursday called US President Donald Trump a "psychopath", in a context tense by the death of Otto Warmbier, an American student repatriated in the coma in the United States after his detention in North Korea.

The newspaper Rodong Sinmum, the official party of the ruling party in Pyongyang, said that Donald Trump was at home "in a difficult situation." He stroked the idea of ​​a pre-emptive strike against North Korea to divert attention from the domestic political crisis, the newspaper said. "South Korea must realize that following Trump's psychopath (...) will only lead to disaster," the newspaper adds in an editorial.

18 months of detention

Since early 2016, North Korea has carried out two nuclear tests and dozens of missile launches, exacerbating tensions on the peninsula and Otto Warmbier's death has only deteriorated relations between Pyongyang and Washington.

Otto Warmbier, 22, died in the United States after being repatriated on June 13 in a coma, after 18 months of detention in North Korea. He had been sentenced to 15 years of forced labor for the theft of a propaganda poster.

Pyongyang considered "responsible"

Donald Trump denounced the "brutal regime" of North Korea, saying it was determined "to prevent innocent people from suffering such tragedies in regimes that do not respect the rule of law or the most basic decency."

South Korean President Moon Jae-In echoed the remarks, accusing Pyongyang, before a visit to the White House next week, of being responsible for the death of the student. "I think we must now consider that the North Korean regime is irrational," he said on CBS. Washington has shown its muscles in the area for some time. On Monday, two B-1 bombers flew over the peninsula as part of an exercise with Japan and South Korea.

Translation from French
the source :


Maybe he is right, but Kim Jong-un calling Trump a psycopath is like Hitler calling Gandhi an assasin.

If it is a French report they already have surrendered!

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