The Donald Came To Phoenix (Where I Live)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

(Note: The photograph of the hotel with the american banners hanging off of the sides was taken by me. You can find it in my gallery here:

The Donald Came To Phoenix (Where I Live)

Donald Trump came to my city yesterday. The Phoenix Convention Center where he gave his speech was so full that the line wrapped around the building like three of four times. There were lots of support from the local Latino, African American, and other ethnic communities. The local news interviewed Latinos for Trump, African Americans for Trump, and some other minority group organization that support Trump here in Arizona.

I ended up watching the speech on TV because, well, that thing was broadcast EVERYWHERE. It was like you couldn't go anywhere without hearing about Trump being here or some television program talking about his visit.

His entire rally was about unifying all Americans and trying to help people find jobs, lower taxes, and do other things that benefit the American population.

As I mentioned, his rally basically aired live everywhere across the city (like at every restaurant and stuff). You couldn't really escape watching it.

In his speech he talked about the importance of border security because there were many people who had told him stories about their daughters, sons, and other family members getting murdered by illegal immigrants. Donald also said he wanted to make the process for legal immigration easier (with merits) so people could easily become American citizens without having to feel like they need to sneak in.

So Donald made it clear that he is a big supporter of legal immigration and wants to help those people become American citizens. He is mainly trying to put an end to illegal immigration (which is usually gang members, cartels and other people who end up murdering people in neighborhoods or doing other things which lead to crime).

Oh, and also, he talked about Charlottesville and how he repeatedly condemned the actions of the white nationalists (like 5 times) and that it was never reported on (which he is right). Some news reporters actually confirmed his story (from CNN and a few other outlets).

At one point he pointed to press core at the back of the convention center and called them fake news for reporting wrong information about his message to the American people. He also publicly shamed them for causing division between people when he is trying to unify the country and make a better America for everyone. Which was kind of funny.

The news stations/ press core will probably drag him through the mud for a few months for that comment alone.

Antifa and some protesters were at the event (there were not as much as the Trump supporters though). Antifa apparently was in trouble for rabble rousing and causing a general public nuisance. Which should come to a surprise to absolutely no one. The other protesters were peaceful though. Things went pretty smooth thanks to the hard work by local law enforcement (I have some friends who are police officers for the city of Phoenix and they did a great job as well).

Anyway, I’m a Trump supporter and it was an interesting experience seeing Air Force One on television and just experiencing everything in general. Hopefully one day I will get to experience going to a Trump rally. For now I'll have to watch it on the television casually.

Peace out.


Cool! Everyone should have the right to support who they want. :)

yup..too bad the entire news media, the universities, the school system in general, most of the government and congress, the dhmikrats and all of the organizations funded by Soros don't agree

Yes that is very unfortunate. He also won in 2020! But the Democrats stole it from him. They are really terrified of that man.

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