Live Panopticon — The Zuckerberg Show
If “The Truman Show” was a fantasy, then someone has taken a template and tweaked a few improvements…
The improvements are made from the inside. New “Truman” is watching you. Panopticon is maintained through the system of “delegative democracy” (sic!), which is contradiction in terms! So, if you still didn't ditch Google forever, and turn to ZuckZuckGo… I mean DuckDuckGo or Yandex, then google a few headlines for “zuckerberg 2014”. Then google a few headlines for “zuckerberg congress”. Contrast the results. Then look up Zuck's political donations…
And, of course, watch what Lori Harfenist, a.k.a. “The Resident”, has to say.
Duration: 2:43
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pixresteemer (65) 7 years ago