The Fourth Turning is Comming

in #news7 years ago

"Why would they want to support someone that is blatantly anti-NWO and wants to disassemble the European Union which is the Rothschilds "dream" long term project?"

Because the rules of the game have changed. Strong EU and strong euro currency is not wished for anymore. Unless a miracle happens, the US dollar will soon end its life as "reserve currency," see the graphics ( and read about the life-cycle of world reserve currencies (

"The reserve currency transition is a cycle that has typically lasted in history somewhere between 80 to 110 years. Officially, the US dollar has been the reserve currency for 68 years. However, the US dollar was used in trade much before, since the 1920s, in fact. That would put the US dollar closer to 90+ years as the reserve currency."

It has happened many times before. "They" cycle through countries about once every hundred years. When the debt is unbearably high, "they" crash the system and move on to the next country. Parasites.

Once again and slowly: unless an economic miracle happens, the US dollar is going to crash down. Trump might have been hired to do exactly that.

"People have been talking about a dollar collapse for as long as I've lived."

And yet, exactly at this phase there is a Council for National Policy ( member Steve Bannon in the WH, the same Bannon who is obsessed with the theory of The Fourth Turning (

"This fact should concern every American.

In the book, authors William Strauss and Neil Howe theorize that the history of a people moves in 80-to-100 year cycles called "saecula." The idea goes back to the ancient Greeks, who believed that at a given saeculum's end, there would come "ekpyrosis," a cataclysmic event that destroys the old order and brings in a new one in a trial of fire.

This era of change is known as the Fourth Turning, and Bannon, like Strauss and Howe, believes we are in the midst of one right now.

According to the book, the last two Fourth Turnings that America experienced were the Civil War and the Reconstruction, and then the Great Depression and World War II. Before that, it was the Revolutionary War.

All these were marked by periods of dread and decay in which the American people were forced to unite to rebuild a new future, but only after a massive conflict in which many lives were lost. It all starts with a catalyst event, then there's a period of regeneracy, after that there is a defining climax in which a war for the old order is fought, and then finally there is a resolution in which a new world order is stabilized.

This is where Bannon's obsession with this book should cause concern. He believes that, for the new world order to rise, there must be a massive reckoning. That we will soon reach our climax conflict. In the White House, he has shown that he is willing to advise Trump to enact policies that will disrupt our current order to bring about what he perceives as a necessary new one. He encourages breaking down political and economic alliances and turning away from traditional American principles to cause chaos."

Bannon is prepping you. /s

Does it really have to be this way?

"Where is proof that bannon is obsessed with that book. Author provides zero sources or proof, just flat out calls it as fact."

For example:

Steve Bannon Believes The Apocalypse Is Coming And War Is Inevitable (

"(...) Bannon, who’s now ensconced in the West Wing as President Donald Trump’s closest adviser, has been portrayed as Trump’s main ideas guy. But in interviews, speeches and writing — and especially in his embrace of Strauss and Howe — he has made clear that he is, first and foremost, an apocalypticist.

In Bannon’s view, we are in the midst of an existential war, and everything is a part of that conflict. Treaties must be torn up, enemies named, culture changed. Global conflagration, should it occur, would only prove the theory correct. For Bannon, the Fourth Turning has arrived. The Grey Champion, a messianic strongman figure, may have already emerged. The apocalypse is now.

“What we are witnessing,” Bannon told The Washington Post last month, “is the birth of a new political order.”


“This is the fourth great crisis in American history,” Bannon told an audience at the Liberty Restoration Foundation, a conservative nonprofit, in 2011. “We had the Revolution. We had the Civil War. We had the Great Depression and World War II. This is the great Fourth Turning in American history, and we’re going to be one thing on the other side.”

Major crises “happen in about 80- or 100-year cycles,” Bannon told a conference put on by the Republican women’s group Project GoPink that same year. “And somewhere over the next 10 or 20 years, we’re going to come through this crisis, and we’re either going to be the country that was bequeathed to us or it’s going to be something that’s completely or totally different.”

The “Judeo-Christian West is collapsing,” he went on. “It’s imploding. And it’s imploding on our watch. And the blowback of that is going to be tremendous.”

War is coming, Bannon has warned. In fact, it’s already here."


The fact that you mention in this article Steve Bannon is a member of the Council for National Policy is a positive, through our research and analysis we have determined this group to be a significant organization worth detailed study...

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