I've been Anti-Senator John McCain for years. Good Luck, Senator

in #news7 years ago

imageI just found out Senator John McCain has had a brain tumor removed and has cancer (primary glioblastoma). I've written (a lot) of criticism about him due to his pro-war stance on...well, everything. I wouldn't wish cancer on any American, though.

God speed, Senator. I wish you and your family well. Expected 4-6 months is a typical lifespan from here.

Sen. John McCain has brain cancer, aggressive tumor surgically removed


You are a much kinder person than I. I want to smell him roast in the fires of hell for what he has done to this country and people. I hope he goes there at faster than Godspeed. If hell doesn't exist, for him I'll invent and build it.

I think it's made up. McCain is a central figure in the unfolding deepstate corruption scandal. A terminal brain cancer can't come sooner for someone about to be intensively questioned and investigated.

McCain will suddenly become very forgetful, with amnesia taking its toll.

I'm disappointed in him.
He ran for President , and I voted for him, and he then railroaded that campaign.
Now we have a chance to change Obamacare for the best of Americans, and what do we get?
Republicans can't do shit, democrats want to destroy this country and the minds of people, and politicians, especially rebublicans believe we will vote them in again?
Trump is waiting for a new bill, congress and senate cannot agree but willl go in recess.
Trump wants a solution now, no break!
I agree! Your future republicans are on the line, your reputation is one the line, you promised us a repeal and replacement , yet you offer nothing.
Maybe the senate should be on the same plan as the American people and they will feel the pain....
Make them feel the pain.

I feel for the guy, I hate cancer. But, this actually explains a lot. I haven't known what the hell this guy has been doing for some time now.

Tweet from the 44th president

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