Do You Want an ACTUAL Conversation by Kneeling During the National Anthem? Let's Talk! (HINT: You Don't)

in #news7 years ago


In case you weren't aware, or have only been tracking what football players do during the national anthem... There was a shooting in an American church today.

A person died in Tennessee, today.

I know it's classy and popular to hate on the President (because OMG did you hear what he said today?) and the constant media-hysteria rakes in dollars and good ratings, but... someone died today. People have been sitting during the anthem since last season (NFL) and other sports/Olympics since it became our 'National Anthem' in 1913.

But Trump said something? Oh gee, let's continue the 'hysteria-over-everything-since-the-election' and ruin NFL Sunday for everyone while continually dividing everyone apart with another relatively non-issue.

This is LITERALLY another problem created by government. People act like NFL players standing for the anthem has been a longtime thing but it only became a permanent fixture in 2009 when the military gave the NFL a bunch of money to promote patriotism during a period of prolonged war. Before that, teams weren't required to be on the field until after the anthem (though they were on sometimes at their discretion).

The media molds the national dialog. 90% of it is distraction.

Let's talk about our $20 Trillion debt. The Drug War which disproportionately affects minorities. Civil Asset Forfeiture allows police to take money and property without even bringing charges against citizens. None of our elected leaders are ever accountable while citizens are (because it's the law, and we're a 'Nation of Laws'). People are committing physical violence against others based on religious beliefs. Our social security system is mathematically unsustainable. Our public policies do nothing bad add costs and regulations, yet we want more? We have this thing called the Federal Reserve which isn't discussed because it requires people to learn about something that's not taught in school.

Let's have a conversation.

I'm not a fan of people sitting during the anthem, but if you're seeking attention, start a conversation. Don't do it just because "OMG Trump said words that hurt my feelings".

Want to sit during the anthem? Want to protest? Want to start a dialog? I haven't heard any real dialog past the 20-second Colin Kaepernick interview clip (wearing a Che shirt, no less) where he says there is "injustice in the U.S".

OK, and now what?

Let's have a conversation. I'm sure the media and the talking points will stick with Anti-Trump rhetoric, pride-in-nation patriotism, "those who have died for the flag"...

Let's talk about injustice of the Drug War and spending money our children will have to pay back. Let's talk about why we ONLY vote in people who promise to spend MORE money our children will have to pay back. Let's talk about why people think it's OK to kill unsuspecting citizens in their place of worship because they disagree with their religious beliefs.
That's an injustice. But people will just talk about "Merica" talking points instead.
Just get politics out of my football.

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum”

History of National Anthem Protests

Libertarian Shirts Libertarian Country Liberty

Too Long? Didn't Read?


Very well said. I check @newsagg each day and the headlines across many different sources often leave me shaking my head. If you watch it daily you see the agenda. I saw all the NFL kneeling hype today and how they treated it like these athletes not kneeling was more important than just about anything else, and really it wasn't. It wasn't that important at all. This is common. I mean how important was it when Justin Bieber was in jail. The media would have you think it is the most important thing in the world.

Meanwhile some scumbag politician is likely passing some new bill or law that will actually impact OUR lives behind to smokescreen of NFL players not kneeling. Everyone.... look over there. Pay no attention to anything that actually matters to your life.

We'll keep your arena events good and stocked. Just like we did in Rome.

What about the fact that Trump attacked NFL players in front of the entire world calling for their termination? Doesn't that strike you as something the Federal Government should never, ever do? Is it right to use your political power to try to have someone removed from a job just because you disagree with their beliefs?

I agree with you that if these football players really wanted change, they would start up a real dialog. Pool their money and get involved.

To me it seems like an inappropriate place to protest. Why should they take out their frustrations on our country and the respect we pay to those who fight and die? It certainly is their freedom to do so, but it seems like terribly mis-placed anger that is being taken out on the wrong people.

Presidents have always had the bully pulpit to push agendas or create a national dialog. This one just happens to be a) bad at it, b) hated by the media (so more reaction) and c) so distasteful that we forget when Obama (and other Prez') have done the same.

I honestly want a government so small that this is one of the few powers a president has.

I also don't equate the emotional "respect the flag because people died" line. I've been in the navy 19 years (and counting). If you want to kneel during the anthem, fine. I think you're a POS and I don't respect you, but it's your right.
If we had a law REQUIRING everyone to stand, I wouldn't know who the POSs are.

Kind of like antidiscrimination laws. Get rid of them. I'd rather know which businesses would discriminate against minorities, women, religious folk. Then I could stop giving them my money (as would everyone else). Right now there are shop owners who are actual racists that are getting my dollars and they are protected by anti-discrimination laws.

I advise that everyone boycott the teams that do that.
Money talks..

We should worry less about the NFL and boycott all MSN news outlets!!!

I personally think the most disrespectful thing is the Pentagon using the NFL as an advertising platform. This blowback to the kneeling players really shows the nationalist statist pride this country has.

The players themselves are adorable, fixing nothing with their "stance".

Yup. They might think they are doing something productive, maybe if they each threw in a million dollars, they could pool together some influence and we could discuss ideas. Doubt it.

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