Fear-Mongering NRA says: Make a Civil War in the US again!

in #news7 years ago

The only thing they don't say is: Shoot each other, which may be the reason why this is not illegal. Holy Fucking Shit.

As a German I feel a very, very bad seeing this. I am just waiting for the "Americans! Defend yourselfs! Don't buy..."

As a president it would be Trumps duty to step in and say "don't hate each other" but I guess that won't happen.



I'm confused. The video showed repeated examples of violence and riots. The sentiment of the video was that such violence was bad.

Do you disagree?

At the end the narrator said the best opposition to this onslaught of violence was truth.

Is that bad?

I'm just wondering why it is the NRA that is the bad guy here.

I'm not seeing it. I am seeing that they are saying violence and demonization is bad, and that the way to combat that is 'truth' - not guns, not violence in return, but facts. I'd like to better understand your understanding of the issue, because I'm unable to grasp it.

I really mean exactly what I am saying, and I'm not trying to imply anything about political parties, movements, or anything other than the precise meaning of the words I wrote.

Please do help me to understand.


Proud NRA member. Great comment, great questions!


This has always been the message of the NRA. Unfortunately Trump won't contradict that message because the NRA is one of his biggest support groups.

I just can't believe that this is actually an ad, shown to people!

I mean they must think that helps sales, and that means... I just can't believe it.

If the rest of the world suspected the US people are stupid for electing Trump, then after seeing this they will be sure.

I just watched it the third time. I still can't believe it.

Indeed !
I'm happy to up vote and resteem

Hey @lennstar, I am a follower of yours, for reasons. I think you're intelligent, and have some fresh views I find thoughtful. That is why I made the effort to respond to your post a few days ago, and why I took some time to do it. I had hoped that your reply might have enabled us to agree on some points, and might clarify any where I had it wrong.

I depend on criticism. Without it I am left to my own musings, which often end up circular, or otherwise pointless. Criticism is the most important response to anything I think, say, or write, because it lets me know how I was understood, points out things I haven't thought of, or where I'm just plain wrong.

I was hoping to get some response from you regarding the points I made. I still am. Even if you only tell me that your mind is closed on the matter, at least I will gain understanding from that.

Please do me the courtesy of some reply, that you mean, to my earlier response to your comments on this video.


Frankly it was just too long to read full. And answering would have taken even more time, right?

Sorry for that.

Well, I suppose you will base your opinions on what you want. However, I don't think taking a couple minutes to read what took me far longer to write would cause you to have less understanding of issues which are dividing our country, and which you feel are approaching murder in the streets.

I'll consider your thoughts on the matter accordingly.

Reading is not the problem. I can read a lot in short time, even in english. But thinking about it, or even writing an answer, takes time.
And I certainly have no time to write or even read everything that is maybe interesting.

And however long it took you to write, there is no obligation for me or any other person that we read it. That is true for all here, writing on steemit.
You write and either people read it or not, on their own terms. There is no right to get read or getting a vote.

That said I am going to write an answer since you insisted ;) and I have more time today.

I'll look forward to such reply as you choose to make. While neither of us have any obligation to dialogue, that dialogue is a major purpose of Steemit, and I have undertaken the invitation to dialogue implicit in your post.

Any continuation of our dialogue may enable us to dissolve our points of disagreement, and I hope that we can achieve that purpose.

It seems you have not seen it, I made it under the long post of yours.

I found it, I think. Thanks for pointing me to it.

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