The Critical Thinking Times - Weekly Round-Up

in #news6 years ago (edited)

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Another week in the madhouse so lets have a look at what news has made the papers this time, and as always I highly recommend reading all articles, watching all videos and listening to all podcasts in each edition.

Monday's edition
Wednesday's edition
Friday's edition

The first article from Monday's edition comes from Edward Curtin Behind the Curtain:

Lost in the Theatre of Data, Dada, and Emotional Manipulation

”common sense has been destroyed by government and mass media propaganda so blatantly ridiculous that only a hypnotized person could believe it.”

”It is all show and tell in which the audience is expected to react emotionally rather than think, with images and feelings having replaced concentrated reflection, and facts and evidence having disappeared like a coin from a magician’s hand.”

An excellent article by Curtin where he correctly points out the fact that “the 'politainment' that passes for journalism” in the corporate media these days is nothing but nonsense used by the propagandists to manipulate the emotions of their dwindling audience rather than have them engage their brains and actually think about what the talking heads are spewing at them.

Next article from Monday's edition comes from 21st Century Wire written by Patrick Henningsen:

Facebook’s ‘Fake News’ Crusade is a Fraud: Now Partners in Propaganda with U.S. Government

”The Establishment’s ‘fake news’ crisis has now entered its third year, and there seems to be no sign that they are letting up their Orwellian contrivance. Instead, they are doubling down and doing so by fast-tracking an aggressive policy of information suppression and censorship, as well as actively targeting independent journalists and content producers across the internet. Make no mistake: they want to rewind the clock back to a time when they enjoyed total command and control over media, all the while practicing the dark arts propaganda and media manipulation with near impunity. How did we get here? How to fight back against this hostile takeover our information space?”

A brilliant article by Henningsen discussing the establishment’s fake “fake news crisis” where they are using the term “fake news” as a weapon to shut down real news, real journalists and attempt to destroy free speech, all while the real fake news being vomited over the masses by corporate media and their presstitutes continues.

The next article from Monday's edition comes from The UK Column written by Brian Gerrish:

Franco British Council Says Bye Bye British Armed Forces 'Allo EU Military Unification

”Forget Brexit - Theresa May's plans and discussions are just the public theatre, whilst UK military and defence industries continue to be subsumed into full EU military unification.”

As the The UK Column has been saying for years, there is no Brexit, it is all theatre being used to distract the masses while EU military unification continues without the larger public being aware of the treason being committed against them by their own government which is being hidden from them by the propagandists in the corporate media, the only stories, yes, stories, not actual news, you can find in the corporate media are ones designed to manipulate their audiences emotions by spreading fear of Brexit, the ruling parasites never intended to let Brexit happen which is obvious when one looks at what is happening with EU military unification, a country can not be independent when their military and military budget is controlled by a foreign entity.

Next up from Monday's edition is the always brilliant Sunday Wire, brought to us by 21st Century Wire and the Alternate Current Radio Network:

Episode #250 – ‘Quarter Century’ with guests Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett & Basil Valentine

”This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE with host Patrick Henningsen bringing you all the top stories from the US, Europe and internationally. This week, we will be joined in-studio by UK Column editor Mike Robinson to the latest on US and UK government war-baiting with Russia, Trump’s folly at the UN General Assembly, along with the UK’s evermore wacky narrative on Skripal, Bellingcat and ‘Col. Chepiga,’ and more. Later in the first hour we’ll be joined by guests and journalist Vanessa Beeley, to discuss her recent trip to Syria and her revealing interview with a White Helmet operative and an FSA ‘rebel’ terrorist in Daara. In the second hour, we’ll then connect with another independent journalist, Eva Bartlett, currently in Syria, to hear about what she’s learned on the ground and where events are heading there. In the final segment, we’ll talk with our roving correspondent for culture and sport, Basil Valentine, for his take on the Labour Party conference, the Israel Lobby’s ‘antisemitism in Labour’ canard, and more. Enjoy the show...”

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And finally from Monday's edition is the always fantastic Type1Radio Lounge brought to us by Type 1 Radio:

Type1Radio Lounge – 29 September 2018

”JOIN US! A brand new LIVE episode of Type1Radio Lounge airs tonight. Miles is back and will be at the helm, with Steve and Phi rounding out the panel. Swami is still on medical leave; we wish him a speedy recovery.
Unfortunately Psonik is unavailable tonight, but we do have a very special guest — Sheila Coombes, organiser of the “Media On Trial” event series from Frome Stop War, featuring Patrick Henningsen, Vanessa Beeley, Ambassador Peter Ford, Robert Stuart and Professors Piers Robinson and Tim Hayward. The upcoming Media On Trial event is to take place in Liverpool on 28 October.”


Moving onto Wednesday's edition the first article comes from the American Herald Tribune written by Elijah J. Magnier:

Iran and Hezbollah Are Ready to Face Any Challenge: But Are Israel and The US Ready?

”Israel, through its Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, is waving the flag of war in the face of Iran and Hezbollah, showing what is claimed to be a “secret nuclear facility in Iran and Hezbollah strategic missile warehouse in the heart of the capital Beirut”. The “secret nuclear facility” has been debunked by Iranians living in the area- the pictures were taken in front of what turned out to be a carpet factory.”

An excellent article by Magnier. Prime Minister of the openly racist state that is currently occupying Palestine, Satanyahu, has put on another of his world famous comedy shows where he brings out drawings, cartoons or other such props to try and help him get a laugh from his audience... wait, what? It's not supposed to be a comedy show, he actually expects people to take him seriously, now that is funny.


The next article from Wednesday's edition comes from the Syrian Arab News Agency by Mazen Eyon:

”Al-Moallem stressed that the presence of US forces in al-Tanf region is illegitimate; adding that Washington was fighting everything in Syria except terrorism and it still protects Daesh terrorists in a pocket along the Syrian-Iraqi borders.”

With Syria and its allies almost completely destroying the Western and Israeli supported terrorists that have invaded their country we have Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem pointing out some facts about what is going on in his country.

The last article from Wednesday's edition comes from Global Research written by Landee Martin:

Is There a Vaccine Cancer Connection?

“This vaccine has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potentials or impairment of fertility.”
This phrase or one similar can be found on just about every vaccine package insert and should be justification for any reasonable person to decline vaccination. However, doctors are not required to give full informed consent regarding vaccines and most people blindly trust their doctors.”

With more and more people waking up to the fact that vaccines are not the medical miracle that the war criminal governments, corporate media propagandists and agents of Big Pharma want us to believe we have this very good article detailing some of the chemicals which are in vaccines and how they effect the body.

Onto Friday's edition the first article comes from Activist Post by Brandon Smith:

How Globalists Plan To Use Technology And Poverty To Enslave The Masses

”Globalist financiers and power addicts need something more than mere military might or bureaucratic force to obtain their ideal slave society. They need 4th Generation warfare tactics. They need to con the masses into accepting their own servitude.”

An excellent article by Smith detailing the direction which the sick deranged parasites that are in control are taking the world and how they are doing it, and if they do manage to complete their agendas then the world is headed to a place no sane person would wish to live, future generations will be condemned to living in a dystopian nightmare if enough people do not stand up and fight these nutjobs in any way they can, primarily by educating people about the reality of the world they live in.

The next article from Friday's edition comes from Global Research written by Philip Giraldi:

Best Government Money Can Buy

"Very few Americans know who Sheldon Adelson is..In America’s corrupt political culture, a monster like Sheldon Adelson can buy both a White House and Congress on behalf of a foreign government for a paltry $150 million or so."

A great article by Giraldi pointing out just how cheaply the American political system can be bought so it and those who actually take part in the political puppet show, whether that be the politicians or the voters, end up serving the interests of the racist supremacist state that is illegally occupying Palestinian land.

As always I leave you with a video from each edition:

Meet James Corbett, Political Extremist!!!

UK Column News - 1st October 2018

HUMANITY vs INSANITY #109 : Social (Dis)Credit Rating

News Blasts, Cults, Tech, Kavanaugh, Kent State – Boiler Room #186

”Join ACR host & producer, Hesher, along side Spore, Jay Dyer, Fvnk$oul, Infidel Pharaoh and Max for this episode of Boiler Room. So dawn your Social Rejects Club battle jackets, turn it up and sink in for another journey into the swamps of the Mainstream Media with the Boiler Room on ACR.
This gathering of the Social Rejects Club finds the gang breaking down Hollywood sex cults, MK Ultra dens, Charlie Manson, Kenneth Anger films, The Process Church, Intelligence agency ties, stolen gun shipments, tech news, social media hacked on a mass scale, Lindsay Lohan on a bizarre attempt to “rescue” Syrian refugee children (turns out they were Bulgarian and with their mom) and getting punched by their mother in Russia. Kavanaugh confirmation hearing winding down, movies, insane college leftists and Antifa vs pro-gun march and police at Kent State, Jerry Brown signs bill in California to force public companies to diversity hire women, Elon Musk update and more.”


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The Critical Thinking Times


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