The Critical Thinking Times - Weekly Round-Up

in #news6 years ago (edited)

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Time once again to check the papers and have a look at some real news as opposed to the utter drivel vomited out by the corporate media presstitutes, there are only two editions this week and as always I highly recommend reading all articles, watching all videos and listening to all podcasts.

Wednesday's edition

Friday's edition

The first article from Wednesday's edition comes from 21st Century Wire written by Vanessa Beeley:

SYRIA EXCLUSIVE: Vanessa Beeley Meets the White Helmets and Armed Group Leader in Dara’a Al Balad

”It is simply not good enough to “sack” a member of the White Helmets who has participated in executions, torture, brutality and violence. The prima facie evidence is now strong enough that there should be a demand for a public enquiry into this organisation. The White Helmets provide the majority of “evidence” used by the British government and its allies in the U.S Coalition, to shape their foreign policy in Syria and to support their systematic violation of international law and unlawful aggression against Syria and her allies. The White Helmets and the governments that finance them, and effectively provide them with immunity from accountability, should all be brought to justice for the crimes they have committed against the sovereign nation of Syria.”

Another brilliant article by Beeley exposing the White Helmet terrorist propaganda group that is predominantly funded by the war criminal governments of the UK and US using tax payers money, Beeley has managed to meet and talk with the leader of the White Helmet centre in Daraa Al Balad, Abu Mohanad Al Mahamid, proving that not only are the White Helmets affiliated with terrorist groups but that they also live up to what they really are, useful idiots.

The next article from Wednesday's edition comes from the American Herald Tribune by David William Pear:

The US-Led Genocide and Destruction of Yemen

”starting with the Obama administration the US has been passing Saudi Arabia the bombs, ammunition, fuel, and most importantly it is the US military at the command and control center of the war on Yemen. Other war-profiteering countries, such as the UK, EU countries, and Canada have their hands dripping with the blood and cholera infected feces of Yemeni children, too.”

A great article by Pear highlighting the chaos, destruction and death being waged against the Yemeni people by the Wahhabi nutjobs, all supported by the war criminal, terrorist supporting governments of the UK, US and their allies, not only by using conventional means of war but also using biological warfare.

Next up from Wednesday's edition is an article from Global Research written by F. William Engdahl:

Climate Change, Panic Scenarios, Killing Scientific Debate. The Dark Story Behind “Global Warming”

”Few are aware however of the political and even geopolitical origins of Global Warming theories. How did this come about? So-called Climate Change, aka Global Warming, is a neo-malthusian deindustrialization agenda originally developed by circles around the Rockefeller family in the early 1970’s to prevent rise of independent industrial rivals, much as Trump’s trade wars today. In my book, Myths, Lies and Oil Wars, I detail how the highly influential Rockefeller group also backed creation of the Club of Rome, Aspen Institute,Worldwatch Institute and MIT Limits to Growth report. A key early organizer of Rockefeller’s ‘zero growth’ agenda in the early 1970s was David Rockefeller’s longtime friend, a Canadian oilman named Maurice Strong. Strong was one of the early propagators of the scientifically unfounded theory that man-made emissions from transportation vehicles, coal plants and agriculture caused a dramatic and accelerating global temperature rise which threatens civilization, so-called Global Warming.”

It's good to see that Global Research has started posting real articles regarding the man made climate change myth rather than just promoting the propaganda as many who have fallen for the scam do, in this article Engdahl points out some very important information that those who promote climate change like to ignore.

Moving onto Friday's edition, the first article comes from Caitlin Johnstone Rogue Journalist:

Be Skeptical Whenever The Political/Media Class Converges On A Single Narrative

”Whenever you see the politicians and media all converge in agreement across political lines upon a single narrative with a great deal of focus and promotion, it’s time to turn up the dial on your skepticism, especially when that narrative involves foreign policy.”

A very good article by Johnstone giving some great advice that everyone should follow, when the entire corporate propaganda world wants your attention focused in one direction it's usually a good idea to take a look around and find out what they are trying to distract you from.

Next article from Friday's edition comes from Off Guarian written by CJ Hopkins:

Please Remember Not to Vote

”Do not vote. For anyone. At all. Tell all your friends not to vote for anyone. Join the hundreds of millions of Americans who refuse to participate in the simulation of democracy. Take time off from work to vote, and then do not vote. Go see a movie, or have lunch with someone you haven’t seen in a while, or take a nice, long walk in the woods or something. Whatever you do, do not vote. Seriously. Please stop voting for these people. They’re not your friends. They mean you ill. They will shake your hand, kiss your baby, then sell you to the first pharmaceutical lobbyist, or military industrial lobbyist, or Israeli or Saudi Arabian lobbyist, that waltzes into their office with a check”

An excellent article by Hopkins, the quote above is exactly how I feel towards the political puppet show, the parasites in control need the peoples consent to get away with the crimes that they get away with, voting for a puppet in the puppet show is all the consent they need, those people who think that voting in this corrupt system will ever change anything are seriously deluding themselves, how many years have people been voting now, and how much better has the world gotten for the voting public? Stop giving them your consent.

And finally from Friday's edition is the always fantastic Boiler Room, coming from the Alternate Current Radio Network:

NPC – The Nuclear Bomb of Meme Wars – Boiler Room EP # 188

”This episode explores the social media meme sensation called “NPC (Non Player Character) that has the Social Justice Warriors, Silicon Valley companies, mass media cartels and progressives feeling “dehumanized.” The gang is also discussing the massive YouTube outtage, the rebooting and updating of the world wide DNS servers, Trump vs. Stormy Daniels and the ‘creepy porn lawyer,’ Marxist college professors giving extra credit to students for attending a political rally on campus, female high school students ruining a male pupils reputation with fake allegations of sexual misconduct because they ‘didn’t like him,’ MK-Ultra in the 21st century, big pharma and its place near the top of the ‘pyramid,’ left wing democrat operatives encouraging assault and violence against republicans, the unconfirmed/unresolved narrative of the alleged killing of journalist and former Saudi insider Jamal Khashoggi and much more!
Join Hesher, Spore, Infidel Pharaoh, Jay Dyer and Daniel Spaulding for this gathering of the media maniacs in the Social Rejects Club on Alternate Current Radio.”


As usual I leave you with a video from each edition:

Pay Up or the Earth Gets It! - PropagandaWatch

TLAV Research & Review 10/18


UK Column News - 19th October 2018 (The Ongoing Cover-Up By Theresa May's Regime Of Child Sexual Abuse Is Quite Incredible)

Episode #252 – ‘Fighting Financial Terrorism’ with guests William Engdahl, Ian R. Crane

”This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE with host Patrick Henningsen bringing you all the top stories from the US, Europe and internationally. Yesterday 21WIRE was the subject of a political hit-piece published by NATO’s propaganda and censorship arm, the Atlantic Council and its ‘Disinformation Lab’ (the irony) aka DFRLabs, as part of their PR campaign to rewrite the career of warhawk John McCain, as the defense industry tries to salvage the legacy of their patron saint. This comes in the same week as Facebook’s mass political purge erasing alternative media pages from there platform in a direct effort to meddle in the upcoming U.S. midterm elections. In the first hour, we’ll connect with author and geopolitical analyst F. William Engdahl to discuss some disturbing signs in the global financial system, which combined with some disturbing political developments and the Neoconservative proclivities of Donald Trump – which all lead to some very disturbing conclusions. We’ll also discuss the brewing tension in Western China’s Xinjiang Province and the ethnic Uyghur issue and how this may affect the Belt and Road Initiative. In the second hour we’ll visit the front lines on the Anti-Fracking Movement with activist Ian R. Crane to discuss the recent UK ruling in favour of the drilling companies and what this could mean to the UK’s environment and local water supplies. In the final segment, we’ll hopefully connect with our roving correspondent for culture and sport, Basil Valentine, for the latest political gambits and more. Enjoy the show…”

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