
We all must try to combat confirmation bias. I am guilty of it. We all are. We tend to approve of what we already believe and close our minds to those things we are ideologically supposed to oppose. I just challenge everyone to have an open mind because I have gone through many huge political shifts in my lifetime. I once thought Socialism was the way to go and Marxism was the best thing if it could work. I now know that capitalism without unfair rules is the best way. It allows those who are creative and intelligent to reach for the moon and it does not matter whether you are rich or poor. Hard work will always pay off in a Capitalist society. The incentive drives innovation and improvement. Conservatism is the new counter-culture and I see for the first time in a long time what my eyes were blind to and that is the inherent left wing bias in the news media. Thank goodness we have Steemit and other alternative news sources so we can figure out what is what. Our Governments should fear us and not the other way around, our Police should protect our rights not violate them, we should always have a safety net for those who need it and promote and encourage individuals to succeed and give them the tools to do so. We must as people find kindness within ourselves when we want to focus our anger. We should not use people as slave labor to prop up our standards of living and we must all want to work hard and instill values in our families that we truly believe are righteous and good. Government is a social construct but we as people are a natural entity, divine in our creation. Separate minds on separate journeys bumping into one another randomly and somehow connecting across the globe. I think so long as an ideology does not promote hatred than it should be heard. The silencing of viewpoints is the destruction of diversification of ideas and if we go down that road we will end up where we cannot challenge authority and are slaves ourselves. Whatever views we have, so long as they do not promote hurting people should be encouraged especially on We are one of the last bastions of Free Speech on the internet as Twitter and Facebook have made it a daily ritual to remove funding and suspending people whose ideas are just simply not popular at the moment or who are flagged by mean-spirited people who wish to silence opposing points of view. I have come to be who I am today by fighting against ideologies and fighting for them. For seeing the error in my ways and opening my eyes to my own biases. We should all emerse ourselves in thoughts, diverse thoughts and support Free Speech. Because if they are able to say we are not allowed to think something or express an idea than the next step will be punishment for it and that is dangerous. For what is popular now may not be in the future and we all deserve to have our voices heard, even if we disagree. Christian, Conservative, American, in that order. He who thinks he knows everything knows nothing.

RIght wing to stay affloat?? For what? Back to the medieval age? Centralization? accumulation of power? The fact that you are on steemit is so ironic

what exactly is right wing? I oppose islam, racism, socialism, misogyny & support science, capitalism & equal rights for all genders & races.

am I right winger? left?

You are a mixed one, dont fall in the trap of categorizing yourself, but you support healthy capitalism, not this medieval fiercefull borghese capitalism. Also dont oppose islam, I'm an atheist, but I dont care what fairytale a person believes. Call it islam or christianity (same thing, different versions)

I am an athiest too & there is a difference in islam & other fairy tales.. islam is being imposed everywhere.. where our children learn empathy, muslim kids are learning to kill ours..

I remember a story of my school time when I was a hindu; a muslim boy taunted a christian girl saying "IVR says you guys pray to the same guy you killed" & I didnt knew anything about christianity or islam that time & was confused whats going on.. That girl gave me a grim look & never talked to me again.

And now, 20 years later, I realize what kind of doctrine was feeded in that muslim guys brain. That guy, still in contact is even more extreme, one of his brothers in jail & what not..

This is just one example.. islam is worse than cancer.

Let me set a point here. You are talking about extremes , radicalization and abuse. The islam beign 600 years younger than christianity is facing its evolutionary crisis. Remember that christians 600 years ago were the same extremist like some islamists are today, wichunts and burnings or hangings in the squares was a "must". They even jailed scientists who said the earth was round. Now christianity passed that phase, and they are behaving. I'm not saying little Islamic kids are not getting fed with tons of bullsh.. but a more kind way of approach is needed to open their eyes and educate them how to behave more civilized. Just be patient, soon the time will come, and the poor radicalized souls will learn that violence is not the answer to anything. However science has to push harder to make the invisible man go away, so nobody will have a justification to cause trouble in the name of their god.

Actually, you are thinking the way most westerners do & thats another problem, besides political correctness, fueling islamic supremasicm.

islam will remain crazy as it is today, for all ages to come, if left unattended, until only one man remain.. thanks to the unalterable verbatim of its heavenly pimp in holy crap they call koran..

Christianity was able to change because they were able to reject what they didnt like in their fairy tale book.. bible.

I recommand you read Tommy Robinsons'new book "mohammad's koran: why muslims kill for islam", the best seller on in just two weeks... here's the link..

& what does islamist mean?

Well, time will tell. Probably they will start to modernize and understand that violence is gonna keep them isolated, and ruled by the oligarchy that is feeding all this mayhem. Maybe I sounded naive to you, with all the peaceful thoughts, but remember that big corporations want peace for business to strive, so they will push toward a more peaceful and soft way of islam. However, this Santa Claus for the adults (god, faith etc) has to come to an end. And rule of law has to be reinstalled.
Be patient, good times are coming.

hope so.. but thats just .. santa claus..

islam has to end, that doesnt mean killing all muslims.. islam is a fatal disease like cancer & muslims are just its victims, much like zombies.. we need to take islam out of them.

there cant be any soft cancer.

If power can be overcome with power. Empowering peoples decentralize the economy that it destroys the establishment!!

I do agree with you. Centralization of power to the masses, will bring prosperity to them. The next problem will be mob ruling

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