Evil CNN Tries to Censor Mark Dice- The Internet Fights Back

in #news7 years ago

Clueless Fake News CNN, in the dying throes of dinosaur legacy media, recently lashed-out at YouTube content creator Mark Dice. Most likely it was CNN itself who complained about the Mark Dice piece "being misleading" and YouTube like the corporate whores that they are capitulated to the Fake News giant. Here is the "mis-leading" video. It's hilarious and accurate and only the most brain-washed normie would have a problem with it. Mark Dice blasted YouTube in a subsequent video and on Twitter and and thankfully they changed their mind and re-activated the video.

Styxhexenhammer666 put up a video today and in his usual thoughtful analysis of the phenomenon, spells it out to "all the geeks and morons on cable news." Dear CNN, "You're not fighting any specific individual on the alt-media... You're fighting all of us at the same time. That's your loss. The collective audience is ten times the size of CNN's top ratings for the best slots. Nobody cares what you think. It will be better if you crash and burn and stop existing altogether."

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