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RE: Alex Jones and my thoughts from over the years. More of the triangulation approach to news. Streisand Effect.

in #news7 years ago

For a long time I was a little embarrassed to keep Alex Jones in my Facebook feed, but at some point what he said started to make sense. Now I've gone a little further and added Milo to my feed. I don't usually have the patience to watch long videos, but the titles at least give me an idea of what's going on. And, as you say, when something catches my eye, I always check multiple sources. Very good post and thanks for the Alex Jones song. I had not heard it before.


I have trouble watching long videos too. If I could have found just the clip I was referring to in the Bohemian Grove video I would have shared that instead. I think I described it enough in words that it was not required. The Pizzagate/BenSwann one the first 10 minutes or so are more than sufficient on that one... the rest is just a deep dive on the topic if you want to know more and doesn't talk about Ben Swann as much.

But yeah I added the videos AFTER I wrote the text, so it is mainly there if you wanted to know MORE about what I was referring to.

The enemy relies on that attention span. The plan is so detailed and crazy, you honestly don't have time to figure it out before the new world order is boot stomping your face.

Yeah I realized in the 90s when Bob Dole was running for President that my attention span was different from most people. They couldn't remember what he said 6 months ago. I could. So when he flip flopped they had no clue and just ate up the latest thing he said.

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