The guy gave up $ 122-billion empire of his father.
China's richest man, Wang Jianlin have to find someone to whom he could leave his business empire worth 122 billion dollars after his son Sytsun Wang said he did not want to live such a life as he did.
Wang Jianlin, founder and chairman of Dalian Wanda Group board of directors said that it is the only 28-year-old son Wang Sytsun not want to take care of the shopping malls, hotels, theme parks and sports clubs father.
Wang Jianlin and his son Wang Sytsun
I spoke to his son about the plan of succession, and he said he did not want to live as I have, "- said 62-year-old Wang entrepreneurs summit over the weekend.
Perhaps young people have their own needs and priorities. Perhaps it would be better to pass all these professional managers, enter the board of directors and see how they run the company, "- said Jianlin.
As candidates, we have several professional managers. " "Whoever ... I was trained to be a business leader are not better than those who are able to stand out from the rest with the competition."
Van Sytsun is the director of one companies in the business empire his father and has a 2% share of the total capital.
In May last year, a guy bought his dog named Wang Keke Apple Watches gold watch, which carries them to the front paws ...
and in September, a four-legged pet pleased eight iPhone 7.
Source: ©
I would like to have this kind of problem to solve !
I think the son is very wise.
They can do a foundation that will redistribute all this money.
The Grantcoin foundation is looking for 150 000 usd, we may help them and him by sending their email to Wang Jianlin. Do you know any address where we can contact Wang Jianlin ?
Unfortunately, there is but on Facebook you can find his page