JFK Files Delayed: Despite 25 Year Notice, Agencies Not Ready :-/

in #news7 years ago


The JFK files are delayed and now conspiracy theories will just be growing. I've been reporting on the JFK files for the last 24 hours, and it's insane to me that some agencies just aren't ready yet. What the heck? They had 25 years to prepare! Now I'm really starting to wonder what they could be hiding, because this is kind of ridiculous. (Photo above courtesy of NASA)

As I reported earlier on a site I write for called Heavy, we were supposed to see 3,100 files that were never released before, and 30,000 pages of previously redacted files now "un-redacted."

But now it looks like we'll only get a handful of files today, if any. Why? Because some agencies just aren't ready yet.


Before the files can be released, Trump has to give his official approval. But it appears that before he can do THAT, he has to receive official requests from agencies about what they would still like held back (which he can deny.) An unknown number of agencies just don't have that information together yet.

They only had 25 years to prepare!!!

Is this some kind of ploy, a hope to delay releasing the files at all? And if so, what on earth are they trying to hide? I'm not one to jump on conspiracy theory bandwagons much, but this is just really strange.

I wrote a nice long article about how to view the files and what they might contain. No one thought there would be a smoking gun. They thought we were more likely to see things like this:

  • Mentions of Cuba and the Soviet Union, including how the NSA kept tabs on Cuba’s agents.
  • Details about the CIA’s surveillance of Lee Harvey Oswald while he was in Mexico City
  • NSA’s knowledge of Cuban agents’ cover names
  • Files about top CIA officers from the 60s and 70s who were following Oswald before the assassination
  • Jefferson Morley, a former Washington Post reporter, said that these officers would likely include CIA officer William K. Harvey, who led assassination operations and had frequent feuds with Robert F. Kennedy
  • Files about the Watergate burglars,
  • MAYBE a secret communication between the CIA and the Office of Naval Intelligence marked as “unintelligible.” (Not likely)

With this delay, now I'm thinking the files will contain something about aliens or something. Sigh.

I'd love to hear your thoughts about the JFK files being delayed. Do you think it's as ridiculous as I think it is?

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