Trump backpedalling much in Saudi Arabia?

in #news7 years ago


Trump was referencing President Barack and Michelle Obama’s trip to Riyadh in January 2015 in which the First Lady chose to forgo a headscarf.

Melania and Ivanka Trump deboarded Air Force One Saturday in the capital city of Riyadh wearing long, flowing sleeves, but no headscarves, which local women are required to do in the conservative country. While Saudi Arabia King Salman appeared happy to greet the visitors, a Trump tweet from 2015 suggested he would be offended.


**Side note I personally don't care if the women of the United States decide to wear a scarf or not. I personally think it should be the woman's decision, but I do find it quite funny that Trump tweeted this

**For the record I'm not a Obama cheerleader


Tired of Trump bashing yet? The amount of people fighting Trump, even as he's literally fighting on your behalf against a true evil is really sad at this point. Are you that brainwashed you can't see truth for yourself?

I'm asking a question....HOW is that bashing? lol I can only laugh at the question "am I brainwashed"

Honestly the tweet doesn't make much sense grammatically, and people could seriously stand to stop turning it up to 11 over Trump tweets.

I can't disagree...

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