Mark Dice - Democrat Clowns Embarrass Themselves During "January 6th" Hearing

in #news3 years ago

I could not watch this hearing, because I knew it would be a complete staged theatrical show hearing with the two RINOs....worse than RINOs, plus some of the other biggest liars in the House on this committee. It was telegraphed to be this way when C.U.N.T. (Can't Understand Normal Thinking) Club member denied Jim Jordan and others to sit on committee. Liberals and RINOs can't have that....right? No opposing views or deep penetrating questions that contradict or question the "insurrection" narrative...right? Nothing to point out their fake made-for-TV script...right?

No wonder Libtards are joined at the hip to Hollywood...they have acting, pretending, scif-fi, and all that other stuff in common. As it turns out, politics (specifically Democrats + Liz Cheney) is just Hollywood for ugly people. I would not consider it an insurrection unless Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and others are swinging from the end of a rope....these people have no clue. Notice how Schumer and Schiff are common slang terms for the word "$hit" coincidence I think.

Anyone catch the police officer's name....Smollett (not sure on spelling)....wonder if this guy is related to the actor from the show "Empire" know...the same guy that filed a false report about a noose around his neck blah, blah, blah and was justifiably ridiculed by comedian Dave Chappelle for being a lying dickhead.

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