
Mainly the income tax and related taxes collected by the IRS. I understand it is not very feasible for most people, with the way society is set up, but if enough people were willing to refuse to pay the income tax (which goes directly to pay off interest on national debt), it would be doable. Small businesses could refuse to withhold from their employees and business owners could refuse to pay their own.

Certainly not easy, but with enough principled people, I feel it is possible. Henry David Thoreau managed to find a way and refused to pay his taxes while denouncing the Mexican war, and was jailed for it, but they can only jail so many people... For me it is a moral issue. I feel morally obligated to refuse to fund a government engaging in perpetual unjust war-for-profit-and-oil, so long as I am able, and believe if enough people did this, it would be one large step towards de-funding war and the deep state who perpetuates war. Definitely still only one step, and everything in your article would also be highly effective if enough people did it.

I think that's the major problem with even the best and most effective plans to bring down the deep state - they all require enough of the people being on board with the plan, and it seems too many people just don't care enough to do what it takes. Really all we need is for enough of a majority of the people to refuse to join the military, and a majority of those in the military to quit their jobs, and there would immediately be a massive shortage of soldiers making war impossible. But again, enough of the people have to truly want peace, for peace to become a reality, and enough of the people have to truly want the end of the deep state for the deep state to be dismantled. I hope more and more people begin to take the steps outlined in your article, and maybe the deep state can even be dismantled in our lifetimes. Thanks again for the link to the article - really appreciated the read!

How many people would have to refuse to pay taxes? Still, if only dedicated people did this and they all got locked up, there'd kind of be no one left to really take on the deep state. So maybe let's focus on legal stuff for now ;)

The thing is though, not even that seems to be popular. Sure, I can't actually see how many views my article has (which I think is crazy), but I'm not getting the impression that people are sharing it left and right (it was the top non-Vietnam-related blog on Minds for like a day or so, but still). Then again, I'm also getting the impression that it's getting censored, so maybe that explains it to some extent.

But my favorite part is that almost none of the bigger people/outlets in the alternative media have covered, shared, or even publicly addressed it yet. No, I'm not saying they're all controlled opposition, but considering that the establishment basically controls 100 percent of the mainstream media, I don't think it's much of a stretch to assume that it may also control 90 or more percent of the alternative media. Not to mention, they all love to bitch about the deep state and everything but fail to mention how "easy" it is to take it down. I mean, have you ever seen any of them publish an article (or video) similar to mine? If some random sleep-deprived asshole like me can do it, surely they can too. And yeah, they sometimes give us a way or two to defund the deep state a little, but, out of those, at least one often just leads to a different deep state corporation...
However, when you factor in the companion pieces I wrote, it is quite a lot to go through and fact-check, so I guess I should give them some more time before I start bitching for real ;)

And regarding how many people it would take to really get things done: around a hundred thousand would be enough to get rid of electronic voting machines in like half of the states (so less than one per mille of the population). But yeah:

"Enough of the people have to truly want peace, for peace to become a reality, and enough of the people have to truly want the end of the deep state for the deep state to be dismantled."

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