KM Sinar Bangun Tengelup, One Female Student from Aceh Died

in #news6 years ago


Simalungun - National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) has evacuated one of the dead in the incident of the reversing of the Sinar Bangun Motorboat (KM) which was speeding from Samosir Regency to Simalungun Regency.

The victim who was found dead was Tri Suci Wulandari (24), a resident of Aceh Tamiang District. From the identity of the victim, it was known that the deceased was a student.

Tri Suci Wulandari is one of 18 victims found by the Basarnas Team.

The Sacred Tri Corpse was taken to the Djasamen Saragih Hospital, Siantar.

The condition of Tri Suci's corpse looked bloated. The Holy Tri wore a pink negligee.

The coordinator of the Basarnas Pos Lake Toba, Torang Hutahean, revealed that the Holy Tri was found not far from the location of the ship's reversal. He said the Tri Suci corpse was found around 6:00 p.m.

We find victims when conditions are still bright. We found it was not far from that location, he said, Tuesday (6/19/2018).

In addition, Torang said that at that time the SAR Team focused on finding victims. Holy Trias are found floating on the surface of the lake.

Source: Tribunnews

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