Vegas, "Gun Control," and What's Really at Stake

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Regardless of your take on the "official story" now filtering out from various state and MSM sources, the truly critical issue here remains unchanged:

How can these episodes of violence be curtailed, and how will the state attempt to spin this event in order to deprive individuals of their nature-conferred (god-given) right to self-defense?

Numerous sources seem to be sharing conflicting information regarding the details of the horrific event, including disagreements as to the number of shooters, what floor the "lone wolf" shooter was on, and who he was as a person. Multiple eye-witnesses are also reporting that an individual was warning concert goers over 40 minutes prior to the massacre that: "You're all going to die tonight."

Video of alleged muzzle flash from lower levels (4th floor?) of the Mandalay Bay Hotel


Whatever you believe about the official story, the fact remains:

  • The state is irrefutably verified to have plotted "terror events" before (read the declassified "Northwoods Documents") which involve the death and/or harm of innocent individuals.

  • Even if the "official story" is true, this event and the tragic loss of life that occurred as a result, will be used by sociopathic politicians for political leverage to take away the god-given right of individuals to defend themselves.

Once Americans are disarmed, what happens next? With a police presence--and the willingness of said police to use brutal force--arguably unmatched anywhere in the world, the events happening now in Spain regarding the Catalan move for secession may end up looking like little more than child's play.

I certainly hope not.

EDIT: New information regarding alleged muzzle flares and audio from police scanners can be found on this FB thread.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


My question is this....Do people planning a shooting spree in which they intend on murdering as many people as they possibly can IN COLD BLOOD really give a shit about whether the weapon they are using is legal or not?

Yes and if you notice they never go to place's that are marked as Gun Free Zones.
These people are simply good hearted decent law abiding murderers.
gun control.jpg

Just my two STEEMS Worth.

Yeah well why would they do that? They aren't allowed!

Fact: Whether I own an ACTUAL assault rifle, a semi-auto-only AR-15, a classic bolt-action rifle, or no guns at all has no effect on your safety because I am not homicidal.

Fact: Demanding new laws means threatening to kill me if I don't obey your arbitrary dictates. That makes you a violent control freak, not a virtuous saint of safety.

BTW, the video link to the muzzle flash video is dead.

Amen to the amen my brother.

Time is short, this current system is at its end and false flag, race baiting, states of emergency, warmongering are being ramped up so the powers that be have confusion and cover as things unravel.

I can't disagree. Thanks for your comment.

It seems like the narrative is lately hovering around the idea of 'should crazy people be allowed to have guns', and next will be the question of 'how will the state decide who is sane enough to own weapons'.

In the end though, there would be the appearance that the public had begged the government to be in charge of administering mental health evaluations to everyone.

Couldn't agree on

Incidents like this are, on the surface, a very compelling piece of evidence against anarchism. Compared to European countries in which people aren't allowed to carry guns, America just looks totally fucked up, closer to stateless regimes (if that isn't an oxymoron, it probably is) which also appear more chaotic.

I think you're right that the strongest argument against state gun control is pointing out that the USA is the biggest perpetrator of organised terrorism in world history, and the UK also ranks if you go back 400 years, and giving more power to such bodies is not necessarily a good idea.

The really twisted thing about all of this is that the military industrial complex are onto a real winner whatever happens - increase the power of the state by bringing in gun control, the state spends more on massive machines of violence, don't boost gun laws, the little guys just buy more.

On the question of lies in the media - I tweeted earlier today that everyone should just switch off the 'news' for a few days until some actual facts emerge. Of course the whole Catalan thing, which is really interesting (unlike another shooting, which isn't new) is buried by the gawping at the relatives of the people who got shot which prevents so many people from actually thinking critically about what kind of political systems are better than the current one.

One final thought - would banning guns in the US be such a big deal? Does it really increase the power of the state that much? Cos I'll tell you another thing for free - it ain't the politicians or the millionaires getting shot in the cross fire every time another one pops. In the meantime (until the state collapses) maybe a few fewer guns wouldn't be so bad? Communism collapsed with a state monopoly on weapons in existence after all, I'm sure the US could too.

Sorry bit long that one.

In Russia there is still a state monopoly on the right to use VIOLENCE. That didn't change. only the slavery system changed, probably because it's more lucrative.

It's a bit the same as that slavery was not abolished but just changed in another form of slavery (tax slavery which in end effect is forced labor)

Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I really appreciate it.

I think you're right that the strongest argument against state gun control is pointing out that the USA is the biggest perpetrator of organised terrorism in world history

Actually I don't even view this as the primary argument against "gun control," though yes, it is definitely something most people seem not to consider.

In my view, the strongest argument against forcibly disarming individuals is the immutable and objective reality of nature-conferred individual self-ownership. Every individual has a natural right to procure and secure self-defensive means for themselves.

Not omly that the police are given more and more old military equipment making the right to fire arms that much more crucial. People dont loose there freedom over night, but a little at a time for years to come.

A monopol over money, communication, transportation and arms. Not to mentions food and practically any goods. The greep (and greed) is tightening...

For this reason blockchain tech and cryptocurrency make me hopeful there may be another way. Though these technologies will definitely be use by the state, in many ways, right now, it is out of their control.

We share the same hope

It's sad, but now every time that there's a tragedy like this and I hear the 'Official Story,' I automatically think, "Okay, that's exactly what didn't happen." When guns are outlawed, I'll be an outlaw!

Yeah it sucks not being able to believe anything you hear on the news anymore....

Yeah, I finally quit watching the television news. I figure the really important things are going to be lied about anyway.

Haha yeah that's it!

Beyond my understanding. Though I do understand the outcome of this tradgic incident . There are a couple more articles this morning that are also worth noting. The question is.... will the American people adapt or reject this cattle drive ? Time will tell. 🐓🐓

Regardless of the philosophical argument, I'm not sure that the US is actually capable of implementing gun control. There are already more guns than people in the US, we produce 10s of millions of guns every year, and we are the world's biggest exporter.

People will not be giving up their guns. It would be a fight. A fight the powers that be do not want.

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