Einstein's anecdote

in #news7 years ago

1 One journalist asked Einstein:

- 'Can you explain the Law of Relativity to me?'

And Einstein replied:

'Can you tell me how to fry an egg?'

The journalist looked at him in surprise and said:

- 'Well, yes, I can.'

To which Einstein replied:

- 'Well, then do it, but imagining that I do not know what an egg is,

Nor a frying pan, nor oil, nor fire. '

2 Einstein had three nationalities: German, Swiss and American. At the end of his life, a journalist asked him what possible repercussions had had on his fame these changes. Einstein replied:

"If my theories were false, Americans would say that I was a Swiss physicist; The Swiss who was a German scientist; And the Germans he was a Jewish astronomer '.

3 At a social gathering Marilyn Monroe met Albert Einstein and she suggested the following:

"What does the teacher say, should we marry and have a child together?" Can you imagine a baby with my beauty and intelligence? '

Einstein very seriously replied:

- 'Unfortunately I fear that the experiment will reverse and end with a child with my beauty and intelligence.'

4 It is said that in a social meeting Einstein coincided with the actor Charles Chaplin. In the course of the conversation, Einstein told Chaplin,

"What I have always admired of you is that your art is universal; Everyone understands and admires him. '

To which Chaplin replied:

"His is much more respectful: everyone admires him and practically no one understands it."

5 And finally one of the favorite jokes that Einstein recounted in meetings with politicians and scientists.

It is said that in the 1920s when Albert Einstein began to be known for his Theory of Relativity, he was frequently asked by universities for lectures. Since he did not like to drive and yet the car was very comfortable for him to travel, he hired a chauffeur. After several days of traveling, Einstein told the driver how boring it was to repeat the same thing over and over again.

"If you like," said the driver, "I can substitute it for one night. I have heard your lecture so many times that I can recite it word for word. '

Einstein agreed and before they reached the next place, they exchanged their clothes and Einstein got behind the wheel. They reached the room where the conference was to be held, and as none of the academics present knew Einstein, the farce was not discovered. The driver presented the lecture he had heard Einstein repeat so many times. In the end, a teacher at the audience asked him a question. The driver had no idea what the answer might be, however, he had a spark of inspiration and replied,

- 'The question that makes me is so simple that I will let the person who is at the end of the room ... who is my driver.'

Source: http://www.mankindheroes.com  -  http://oaks.nvg.org

Credits: Applied philosophy


Nice post! Very interesting!

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